1; Paper relief

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Katsuki sat on the bench seat of the bar, quiet after a long day of yelling at people and swinging his metal pipe

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Katsuki sat on the bench seat of the bar, quiet after a long day of yelling at people and swinging his metal pipe. No one was there now. His little survival group was asleep. He was dozing off, but every time his head dropped; he would snap awake. The anxiety of the unknown kept him from sleeping, which was in turn, adding stress. He was nodding off again when soft footsteps reached his ears, he sat upwards, throwing a frown on his face to hide the anxiety and sudden rush of adrenaline. The smell of smoke hit him before anything else. Tomura was walking into the bar from the hall. The light from the candles on the counter reflected oddly off of the villain's face, framing it almost gently.

"Can't sleep?" The man stated boredly.

Katsuki rolled his eyes."No shit. I'm stuck with a fucking dumbass in the middle of a fucking disaster"

"Oh? You want something for that?" There, for some reason, wasn't a single hint of sarcasm despite the insult he'd just spat.

He shrugged as best he could, but didn't reply. He didn't trust his voice to keep calm anymore. Tomura stepped towards him and Katsuki concealed a shudder. What would happen? Would he be hurt; for speaking like that? No. He knew the ex-villain wouldn't, he was just stressed and tired. That was clouding his mind. He shut his eyes when the man was a few steps away.

"Relax," Tomura's gravely voice soothed, from in front of Katsuki. He kept his eyes closed, even when he heard a lighter flick and smelt the smoke. "Open your mouth, doll"

He did as told and a papery stick was placed between his lips. He opened his eyes, hesitantly. Tomura stood with a content grin in front of him. Fumbling to pull another cigarette from the pack that was held in his hand. Katsuki held the papery stick between his lips as he inhaled. He'd never tried this back before all of this, but he now knew that it felt good. He always chainsmoked when he did. As he exhaled, smoke was blown outwards, filtering into the air. It was uncomfortable the first few puffs but it got easier as he remembered.

After his third cigarette, Katsuki felt better. Tomura had joined him in the chainsmoking, Katsuki could only imagine how weird it must've felt for the man, who could now touch things with all five fingers.


"Mm. Better"

"I want in" Dabi's deep, sleeply voice echoed from the doorway. Katsuki stared at the Tomura, eyes tracing the man's chapped lips as he smirked at the arsonist. Maybe he could convince them to let him run to the corner store time get chapstick.

"Then you better have a lighter 'cuz you're not using mine" Dabi pulled a lighter out of his sweatpants pocket.

"Since we're up..." Katsuki started, "What's the plan?"

Tomura blinked, throwing a cigarette to Dabi, "Survive"

"No shit, I thought the plan was to die"

"We have to get out if the densely populated areas but we need a truck for that. Uhm... I- I don't know... Beat the shit out of the zombies? Sensei usually made through plans..." Katsuki hated seeing the strong leader of the league so sad about the abusive fucker that died simply because he was only alive from his quirks.

"Now we've all gotta step up, Sunshine" Dabi murmured, running a hand through Tomura's long hair. They, as in Dabi and Katsuki, had decided to touch and baby Shigaraki as much as they could. The man deserved it. Somewhere along the lines, everyone had started using pet names. Like a restart of their identities.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, dollface?"

"Everything" Katsuki sighed, he took one last drag of his finished cigarette and put it out on the table. "Let's go to sleep, tomorrow were gonna go to the corner store and grab shit. Maybe kill a few fuckers too. We can figure it out on the way there"

"Holy shit" Dabi snorted. "Aren't you younger than us?"

Tomura waved his hand, "Young man! When I was your age..." The man mocked, making the other two crack up.

"Let's go old man, sleep time" Dabi said, walking back to the hall. Katsuki took Tomura's hand and led him. He would never admit it out loud but he enjoyed the rough feeling of Shigaraki's hand. Since there were only one or two beds usually, Katsuki had gotten used to sleeping next time the ex-villains. That wasn't the case now, there were five bedrooms in the motel like place, but they still slept together. For safety. Dabi was waiting for them when they arrived, sitting on the couch in the room with a coin. Tossing it up and down; hand to hand. Dabi was going to sleep on the couch. Which left Katsuki  and Tomura to the bed. The candles on the night stands barely lit the room. The curtains were shut tight, sealed to the window with tape so that no light escaped. Katsuki fell back on to the bed and watched Dabi and Tomura push a dresser in front of the door after locking it. Tomorrow. Tomorrow they'd make a real plan. Katsuki watched Tomura climb onto the bed and pull a blanket over the two of them. Dabi was settling himself down on the couch.

"Mm Nigh.. " He whispered

"Good night, Kitten"

"Night, Dollface" The two whispered back. He smiled, moving to hold Tomura's hand as he slipped into sleep.


So??? Okay start??? Yes??? No???

Word Count: 930

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