Final; Ocean Sprays

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Tomura and Katsuki sat in the back of the truck, watching the road disappear behind them

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Tomura and Katsuki sat in the back of the truck, watching the road disappear behind them. They slid together when Dabi took a sharp, last minute turn. Katsuki could hear Dabi laughing as Tomura shrieked. They were now on a dirt road. Katsuki watched the plumes of dirt blow upwards and filter back into the air behind them. He could smell cigarette smoke and grinned. Tomura reached around to Dabi's window and came back with a pack of cancer-sticks and a lighter. Katsuki took one and placed it at his lips, allowing Tomura to light it. He took light puffs, not caring too much. Everything was okay. The sun was out and the trees and bushes enclosing this dirt road were green as could be. Katsuki watched Tomura's hair blow in the breeze with an uncontrollable excitement. He laughed, Tomura smiling in response. They were almost to the ocean.

"Lemme have that" Tomura held his hand out, Katsuki handed over his cigarette, realizing that the man hadn't lit one for himself. He watched as the man took a drag. Was the man wearing chapstick today? Katsuki wanted to know. He waited until Tomura pulled the cigarette back to tap the ash off to move. He leaned forward, grabbing the man's black shirt to pull him close. He connected their lips, enjoying how the man tasted. Smoke and salt. No chapstick. Katsuki had his on, adding hints of a sweet citrus. The kiss had started sweetly, but as they kept going, it got sloppy and needy. Katsuki had to pull back gasping for air. Tomura continued, kissing down his jaw and cheek, slowly leaving a wet, red trail as he nipped at Katsuki's fair skin. Katsuki was feeling great. Better than ever. When Tomura finally pulled away, he handed Katsuki the cigarette. Katsuki took it, feeling hot and full of butterflies. He took a drag of the paper wrapped filler and resumed watching the road disappear. Slowly but surely, the hot flush dissipated. Katsuki smiled as he passed the cancer-stick back and forth with Tomura. When it was too small to be used anymore, he put it out on the bed of the truck before carefully putting it away in an empty soda can with the rest.

Static could be heard as Dabi fiddled with the radio in the front, and then there was music. Some pop rock station that was somehow clear and still broadcasting. Dabi blasted it; Katsuki could just barely hear the man singing along. Today was so good.

"Look!" Tomura yelled over the music, standing. Katsuki stood up too, holding the cab so he didn't fall. The ocean was just ahead. Dabi had successfully brought them to the ocean with minimal maps. Katsuki couldn't help the grin that stretch his mouth so much that it hurt. They made it.

When they reached the end of the road, they all jumped out. Katsuki ran as fast as he could to the water. Sand got into his shoes and the softness of the layered ground slowed him down. He reached the water with a laugh. They really, really made it. There wasn't a zombie in sight, just open water and the white beaches that stretched as far as he could see. Tomura and Dabi were walking towards him, hand in hand. Katsuki took off his shoes, socks, and shirt. He was left with his black cargo pants and his necklace. He started wading out, and stopped once he reached his knees, waiting for the other two.

"Doll, is it cold?"

"It'd be warmer with you guys" Katsuki returned, swaying his hips.

"You're such a tease, Kitty" Dabi replied, and began pulling off his shoes. Tomura collected Katsuki's clothes and started walking up further so that they didn't get wet. Dabi simply chucked his items at the long haired man, earning a glare.

"Here I come, Kitten" Dabi grinned and Katsuki started wading out further, Dabi in tow. Tomura stayed on the beach, digging in the wet sand to form a fort.

Katsuki laughed as Dabi caught him.

Word Count: 702


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