2; Taped Up Pipes

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Mornings were always interesting now

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Mornings were always interesting now. Especially when Katsuki usually woke first. The candles had been blown out, probably by Dabi. Speaking of which, the scarred man lay peacefully on the couch, a blanket wrapped around him and a gun, Dabi said it was a glock or something, on the floor next to him. Katsuki slowly sat upright, unwrapping from the blanket that he shared with Tomura. The man himself was deeply asleep, mouth slightly opened. Katsuki stood up and slipped on his boots, tying them on. As he was trimming the old wax, and wicks, and collecting the reusable candles back into the Tomura's backpack, the door's handle jiggled.

He froze, eyes darting between the two sleeping men and the dresser covered door. He carefully, ever so quietly, pulled his pipe out, gripping the tapped 'handle' tightly. The door handle turned. It wasn't a zombie then, since the door unlocked. He didn't breathe, adrenaline flooding his system. He took careful steps to Tomura and shook the man slightly.

"Shiggy" He whispered, watching the door push against the dresser. "Shiggy please"

"What'sa matter doll?" The man mumbled, eyes still closed.

"Tomura wake up!" The male's eyes opened and took in Katsuki's state.

"Dollface, what's going on?"

"Someone's tryna get in" He whispered, moving to poke Dabi with his pipe a few times. Unlike Tomura, Dabi shot up and grabbed his gun.

"The fuck?"

"There's a problem, Dove" As soon as Tomura finished his sentence, the dresser toppled over. Dabi sprung to his feet, quickly flipping off his gun's safety. Tomura held his own gun, a rifle, pointed at the door. His safety was almost never on. Katsuki always chalked that up to Tomura not knowing how to turn it on and off.

I'm the doorway stood a group of people rugged and desperate looking. There were only four or five. They outnumber them but The League Of Survival To The End as Tomura had so creatively called it, were far more prepared.

"Just a buncha dumbasses" Katsuki laughed, spinning his pipe like it was a cheerleader's baton.

"The- The League!" A few of them scrambled to run away. Two remained, yet Katsuki could see how their hands shook.

"So?" Dabi grinned, swaying his gun in the direction of the two. "What d'ya want?"

One of the two nodded towards Katsuki, "He's not in the League. We've- We've come to rescue him" The other affirmed.

Katsuki laughed; "Have fun with that idea, now fuck off we're tired" He slammed the door in their face.

He turned to face the other two, "Since we're all up, let's go"

"You're such an early bird" Dabi groaned, tucking his gun into his holster on his waist after putting the safety back on. Katsuki fought to not make a comment about him sleeping with it, but refrained when he remembered that he slept in shoes for the first few weeks with them. Tomura back hugged Katsuki, draping himself over the shorter with a dramatic breath. Katsuki leaned into the man.

"Kitten, we can bring you back to your school, y'know. You don't have to stay" Dabi muttered, almost disappointedly.

"I can't just up and leave the League Of Survival To The End. Yuuei doesn't have weapons, too. Just bats, stupid rules and the bright idea to use students"

Tomura's arms wrapped around him gently, "Don't worry Dollface, we'll take care of you"

"Good, cuz I plan on bashing every fucker's head in that I see. I can see Yuuei when this is over, if they survive. Now get ready, we've got stuff to do"

"Aye Aye Captain" Dabi snorted, moving to grab his leather backpack and throw it on his shoulder. It was a common bag, average in size but it was packed with thin towels, a few shirts, underwear, water, snacks and enough ammo to surround Japan twice. Tomura had a similar blue cloth bag, but instead of shirts, he carried the pants and socks. Katsuki's black bag held the medical equipment for the group along with the non-perishables. He didn't carry ammo as he liked the feeling of bashing the zombies. His goal was to snag a blade of some sort to make it easier. He used the pipe as his main, and had a lightweight crowbar for backup. Lightweight as Katsuki felt that it was much less weight compared to the heavy pipe. Dabi's secondary weapon was a fubar, which was a very lightweight version of Katsuki's crowbar. Tomura, on the other hand, had a hatchet for his backup weapon. Katsuki rather liked the hatchet. He absentmindedly pulled on his leather jacket, given to him from Dabi. So far, it was pretty bite proof. Katsuki swung the backpack over shoulder.

"Spacing out already, Doll?"

"Mmhm" He watched Tomura pull on his backpack with a smile. He never felt so needed before, so appreciated and wanted. He really loved the pet names. It came easily to him. Sometimes, though, he felt a little guilty. why did he get to feel so good when other's didn't.

Dabi grabbed his chin, "Kitten, everything okay?" He could only nod, a warm feeling erupting.

Tomura kissed his head from next to him. "Let's go then, Hot stuff, you all set?"

"Are you all set?" Dabi retorted, Katsuki's lips stretched unconsciously into a happy grin. He loved this. The zombies, the freedom of quirklessness, the relationship he could have with these two. He loved it so very much. But he'd never admit that in a million years.


I was trying to type this one my phone but I've got wicked bad hand tremors from a brain injury; fun fun.

Word Count: 963

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