9; A Shoulder To Lean On

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Katsuki watched the city go dark with unidentifiable feelings

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Katsuki watched the city go dark with unidentifiable feelings. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen to those who were simply riding the whole thing out in their homes. The families who were barely hanging on with electricity and water. The homeless people who were finally enjoying the feeling of a home.

He wondered about Yuuei, what was going to happen to them. What would happened to his parents, his teachers, the other students and staff?

He could barely see smoke on the horizon and turned to watch it until he couldn't anymore.

Tomura took his hand, "It'll be okay for them, they're with heroes" And as if on cue, lights from the general area of Yuuei turned on in the rear view mirror, making Katsuki sigh. His parents should be okay.

"Yeah. Yeah, they're fine" He had their IDs if he never saw them again. He pulled the plastic cards out if his pocket, looking them over.

"You don't have to come, y'know" Dabi said, "It'd be no problem if you wanna turn back"

"You sound like you're tryna get rid of me" Katsuki snorted. "I wanna stay" He snuggled down into seat, leaning into Dabi's shoulder, slipping the cards back into his pocket. Dabi hummed and Tomura leaned over to turn on the radio. It was mostly static, but there were a few channels, though most were just emergency broadcasts about safety and the basics of the automated message everyone had heard a million times. Tomura stopped on a partially static channel that was playing strange ambient music. He left it at that. Katsuki stared through the windshield, letting the music fade to the background as his mind created scenarios and ideas.

If there was no power here now, did that mean that other places didn't have power. There was bound to be places that had power, like the villages that relied on water power, or solar.

"Kitten, could you light this for me?" He sat up, reaching for a lighter and flicked it a few times before bringing the flame to Dabi's nicotine-stick, lighting it. The flame went out when he let go of the spring. Tomura was leaning against the seat, close to sleep already. Katsuki pulled his leather jacket out if his bag and placed it over the man. Tomura was wearing ripped jeans and a baggy T-shirt. Katsuki was still in his orange shirt from yesterday but had changed his pants to navy blue sweatpants. Dabi was dressed in a black three-quarter sleeve shirt and leather pants that Katsuki had never seen in any store. Then again, he didn't go in many stores. He looked over , Tomura was asleep. Probably out for the night. 

"Kitten, you said you wee a hero to be noticed, but you weren't invisible, I don't think so"

"I've always been a bully. I hurt a lot of people. I was never invisible, but sometimes I wish I had been. I fucking regret it now. And most of 'em are dead now so I can't make it up to them"

"'Tsuki, I'm sure they know that now, They're watching over us survivors now, they understand"

"I wanted to be a hero to prove my aunt wrong too. She was always making my mother upset. Sayin' that I'd be a minor villain at most with my attitude. They tried to hide it, but I wasn't deaf yet and I'm not blind. I knew"

"Your aunt was wrong. You're the greatest hero. You've helped so many people. Me and Sunshine too. We were so lost without you, our plan was just to survive, we didn't have much. But since you came along, everything's gotten more sure"

"I..."Katsuki sniffled. "I wish my parents would've met you guys. They would've liked you two"

"I would've liked to meet them"

Word Count: 672

shorter but I'm under no contract to meet a certain number [:

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