8; Bittersweet Goodbyes

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Tomura sat with a pout for the whole block near Yuuei, kissable lips pressed outwards on his face

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Tomura sat with a pout for the whole block near Yuuei, kissable lips pressed outwards on his face. And despite whatever Dabi said, Katsuki could tell that the truck was moving slower and quite a few detours were taken. So when they finally pulled up and they all got out, Katsuki made sure to verbally remind them that they were all going to the ocean. 

He wasn't a hundred percent sure how Tomura knew how to get in undetected; but he did. He stepped into the bathrooms on his hall to shoot his mother a text. Within moments, he received a response. The bathroom doors burst open and his mother's voice called for him. 

"Hey, old hag"  He grinned, letting her grab him and crush him in a hug. He felt his father join the hug before he saw the man; "Surprise, I'm not fucking dead" He murmured to them. His mother sobbed into his shoulder and despite the fact that his father was silent, Katsuki's shirt was damp on that side too. When his mother pulled back his eyes caught on her smudged mascara. 

"They said you got eaten! Do you have any idea what I felt! What the hell happened?"

"Sorry? The camp got overrun" -his parents nodded- "and I barely escaped"He pulled up his pant leg, showing a wound that was mostly healed aside from a few thin lines and scabs. Black thread could be seen; "I got this tryna get the fuck outta there. I actually was found by, uh, Honeybee and Sunshine" His father made a confused face, but kept quiet, "I've stayed with them since. I really fucking like them.  We're going to leave. So I wanted to come let you know I'm fine"

"Leaving?" His father asked, "Leaving where?"

"We're going to the oceanside" Katsuki and his parents stepped out of the bathroom. "If it's better, we might stay there"

"Katsuki" His mother, hugged him again, "You didn't come to say your story, did you?"

Katsuki looked to his feet, "Do you have your IDs?"

His father reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. A worn, blue-stained wallet that Katsuki had always wondered the age of. His father pulled two plastic cards out and handed them to Katsuki. He tucked them away in his pocket with a slight smile.

His father hugged him, his mother also embracing him, "We love you Katsuki, you know that, yeah?" He nodded,biting his lip to contain his emotions. His mother pulled back and fiddled with something on her neck before clipping a necklace around his neck. He looked at it holding it up so he could see; it was a red bird.

"American Cardinal. They are said to be the spirits of lost ones" His mother explained.

"Mm. No Bakugou is going anywhere. We're fucking survivors" His mother latched back onto him.

"Bakubro! You're okay!" Kirishima's voice yelled from down the hall, and for a moment, Katsuki was glad to see that his friend was also okay. But then everyone from class 1-A poured out into the hall and began yelling. 

He was being overtaken, and he couldn't blast them away now. His breath caught in his throat. Go away. Go away. Go away. He was pulled backwards and forwards, no one was afraid to touch him now. His name was called from every direction; words flying at him in every way. He couldn't see, He couldn't think. Make it stop. He whispered for it to stop, for them to back up. No one listened. No one ever listened. Then it went silent. Had he finally gone deaf? Had he lost his mind? He opened his eyes. Their mouths were open, yet he didn't hear anything. Weren't they just talking? Confused, he stood there. 

"Doll, come 'ere" He could hear behind him. He glanced back. Tomura and Dabi stood there with differing expressions. Tomura's eyes held concern, Dabi's face was empty, yet Katsuki could read at hints of anger.  Katsuki walked to them, his shining knights in the silent hall. He could hear the sounds of his boots echoing. Dabi had his gun pointed at the class, probably why they went silent.  He glanced over at his parents and they both seemed to understand what he'd meant earlier. His mother gave a nod and his father mouthed 'which ocean' with a smile. When he was close enough, Tomura grabbed him, throwing Katsuki over his shoulder. The man then whispered so that only Katsuki could hear

"I hear you used out Dove's chapstick, babydoll. I'll have to taste"

"You bastard" Katsuki returned, voice louder than what he'd intended,  but it was purely due to embarrassment. He had indeed used Dabi's chapstick, just to see if it actually made his lips feel cool. It had. 

"Let him go, Villain!" Iida called, Katsuki almost laughed, hiding his face as best he could while he shook, trying to contain himself. Tomura laughed at him quietly. 

"Villains don't exist anymore, kid"  Dabi said, voice still angry. "Heroes don't either, so cut the crap"

"You're lying!" Mina screamed, "You're trying to kidnap Bakugou again right in front of us!"

"Whatever floats your boat" The man turned his head to back to them, "Ready?" Tomura nodded and Katsuki gave a jerky nod, being that he wasn't exactly upright and all. Tomura turned first giving Katsuki a view of those he would be leaving. But, being honest with himself, Katsuki was pretty sure he wouldn't miss them too much. He could feel his parents' IDs in his pocket. He hoped they'd all live to see each other again.

He lifted his hands, gaining the attention of his parents and a few others. «w-e-s-t» He fingerspelled. His parents had learned sign language with him years ago. And he was pretty sure a few others did too, but is was for his parents. His mother's glossy eyes followed his form and his father nodded with a sad smile. As the door to the building was shut behind them, Katsuki watched a few of the students call out, having partially understood the message.

"That went well" He commented, making Tomura laugh. "Honeybee, are you okay?

"Am I okay? The man frowned further. "Are you? You looked like you were about to have a panic attack, Kitten"

"It's fine. I'm fine" He returned, painting an unbothered tone in his voice. 

Tomura leaned his head against Katsuki's body, "Doll, You don't have to lie to us. we're here for you; no one's mad at you"

"Yeah, I'm not mad, kitten. I'm just upset that those dumbasses couldn't see how bothered you were"

Katsuki gave a watery sounding laugh, "You're starting to sound like me. I'm okay now, thanks" He was glad they couldn't see his face. He really loved them.

I literally sat here and wrote this straight-faced, but every time I went back to read, I had to laugh at so many things I had Katsuki do that looked bad to the 1-A kids. 

Word Count: 1191

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