【 FOUR 】

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     ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴜɴɢᴀɴ ᴄɪᴛʏ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴜɴʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪ'ᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴇɴ. First of all, the lake was way deeper and way more vast than it looked from above. The water had to extend at least 800 feet below the surface, the dark, clear water sprinkled with bubbles of light. There were thousands of them, each of different sizes and structures, with what looked like hundreds of more Gungans living their lives throughout. A couple of schools of fish swam around the structures, but it was clear that the main inhabitants of this lake were the Gungans.

The closer we got, the more in awe I was. These structures were so grand, so intricate, it almost seemed like a dream. There was so much detail and technology surrounding each of the bubble buildings I couldn't even wrap my head around the city's existence. This was impossible... this was amazing.

We reached the main structure in what felt like no time. Upon reaching the landing pad, we stood and crossed the threshold. Air rushed into my lungs immediately, and I breathed in loudly, welcoming the feeling of normal breathing. I tucked my mask back into my newly dried pocket, and looked around in awe. Inside of the bubble structure were several more bubbles, anchored to beautiful metal structures encompassing everything in the building. I smiled at the sight, welcoming the new culture--maybe these Gungans weren't as annoying or useless as I'd originally thought.

Jar Jar sighed in content just then, accentuating my thoughts. "Itsa so good bein home!"

His voice brought us to everyone's attention, and nearly every Gungan in the room looked our way. The building was suddenly full of whispers and gasps, Gungans pointing and narrowing their eyes in disdain. Much to our chagrin, Jar Jar took several more steps into the facility, apparently not caring about the people whispering about him. I followed Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's example and followed slowly behind him, but I kept a hand carefully near my lightsaber. I didn't want to have to injure anyone, but if it came to a fight, I'd do what I must.

Just then, a new Gungan rode up on a native creature, gripping a long spear tightly in one of his hands. His eyes narrowed at the sight of us three Jedi and Jar Jar, who was still taking in all of what must have been comforting, familiar sights around him. "Hey, Yousa!" The new Gungan cried, pointing at Jar Jar with his spear. "Stopa dare!"

"Heyo-dalees, Captain Tarpals!" Jar Jar cried with a smile, staying positive. I glanced over at Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, who were waiting patiently but cautiously. "Mesa back!" He threw out his arms hopefully.

"Noah gain, Jar Jar. Yousa goen to da bosses. Yousa in big dudu dis time," the captain snarled.

The Gungan looked down sadly as another captain approached and prodded Jar Jar with his spear. He shrieked once, and I bit my lip. As annoying as Jar Jar was, I felt bad for how they were treating him. I found myself wondering what he'd done to get banished in the first place.

As Jar Jar got led off by the two Gungans with spears, Qui-Gon glanced over at me, and then to Obi-Wan. "We should follow," he told us. I nodded once, and without another word, the three of us followed Jar Jar and his two escorts through the complex.

We eventually found ourselves in another, smaller room, with a row of Gungan leaders taking up seats at thrones just ahead of us. We bowed to them as we approached, but the leader shook his head, clicking his tongue. "Yousa cannot bes here," he growled slowly. "Dis army of Mackineeks up dare is new weesong."

I had no idea what he'd just said, and from one lookat Obi-Wan, I could tell he was just as confused. However, thankfully, Qui-Gon seemed to have gotten the gist of it, because he stepped forward in reply, making our request. "A droid army is about to attack the Naboo. We must warn them."

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