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     ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ, Mos Espa was all the rage as citizens and tourists alike raced through the streets, making their way towards the Podracing track on the outskirts of town. There were crowds of people stretched as far as the eye could see, all coming together in celebration of Boonta Eve and the race.

Anakin, who'd just finished putting the finishing touches on his pod that morning, led us all expertly through the wastelands and into the main hangar of the track. As soon as Anakin had found his pod's garage, he led his mother, Padmé, and Jar Jar over to park it and start doing some test runs. However, Qui-Gon and I had different plans. Noticing Watto fluttering around the hangar, making last minute notes and surveying the pods of others, Qui-Gon nodded his head toward the creature, and together, we headed over, determined to talk to him.

Watto had to have noticed us when we were still several yards away, yet even from that distance, I could see the ugly smirk of a gloat splayed across his face. He believed he'd already won.

"Ah, the two losers who bet their ship," Watto remarked, meeting us in the middle. He smirked as we began to walk further away from Anakin and the rest of the group, putting as much distance between us and them as possible. "You know, I wanna see your spaceship the moment the race is over."

Qui-Gon's eyes sparkled. "Patience, my blue friend. You'll have your winnings before the suns set." I smiled a little as I noticed him say winnings, not ship. Even in the midst of all of this negativity, Qui-Gon still found a way to be positive.

I had to admit, I was feeling a lot better myself after a good nights' rest. I still hadn't found a good moment to talk to Padmé, but for the most part, I was feeling completely refreshed and as good as new. I was trying hard to put my dark emotions from yesterday aside. As awkward as it had been, crying in front of Qui-Gon had really helped, and after my talk with him I felt as if I had a clean slate to start all over. The only remnants of yesterday was my feeling of longing to have a discussion with my sister, and my unwavering guilt over keeping my secret from Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan. Besides the constant guilt of secrecy hanging over my head whenever I thought of him, I was excited to see him. After my talk with Qui-Gon yesterday, I felt much more confident about having a friendship with Obi-Wan. If Qui-Gon could do it, then I could... all I needed was a little more of his mentoring. Besides, after talking with Obi-Wan on the hologram last night...

My heart swelled just thinking about it. Turns out, I don't want to keep away from you, he'd said. Without even knowing, we'd somehow developed the exact same connection to each other... a connection not easily broken.

Watto's gravelly voice snapped me out of my deep thoughts, puncturing the feelings swelling in my chest. "I'm warning you, no funny business, eh?" He fluttered in front of Qui-Gon and I, stopping us in our tracks, looking at us seriously.

I scoffed. "What, you don't think Anakin can win?"

Watto shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, I have great faith in the boy! He's a credit to your race! But, uh, Sebulba there is going to win, I think." I inhaled sharply, trying to figure out why that name was so familiar, when Watto nodded in the direction of the racer he was talking about.

I followed his gaze and instantly realized what was so familiar about it. He was the Dug who Jar Jar had nearly gotten beat up by yesterday... that one that Anakin had warned us was dangerous. The creature was currently getting a back and foot rub from two of his crew members, grinning offhandedly. Sebulba seemed to think he was going to win, too... and was clearly not sweating over the difficulty level.

I exchanged looks with Qui-Gon as Watto chuckled. "Why do you think that?" I questioned the Toydarian.

Watto chuckled again. "He always wins!" He declared. He fluttered back over to this, slapping Qui-Gon amicably on the arm. "I am betting heavily on Sebulba!"

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