T R A N Q U I L W O R D S F O R T H E S O U L.

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You're not just a subject
for someone to be teased with.

You're greater than that.
You're valuable than that.

Hey, don't belittle yourself.

You're that shining star in
the sky.Your shine bedazzled

You're someone whose being
looked up to.

You're not just a nobody.

Someone who gazed at you
always wanted to be in your

You're insecure of yourself
while others were also insecure
of what you have.

Just enjoy and be grateful.

Hey,it's okay to fail.It's okay
not to get what you've always

There's time for that,
there will always be something
that is the best for you.

Hey,you're amazing:)

T R A N Q U I L  W O R D S  F O R  T H E  S O U L.

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