Chapter 19.

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Brandon pulls into his driveway and we get out. What are we going to say we did? Are they even going to ask? Why does it even matter? We get up to the door and I walk in. Everyone's doing something different. I walk towards the couch and sit next to Benn.

"So what'd you guys go see?" Brent asks.

"I don't know. It was boring." I say.

"So what did you guys do then?" Hayden asks.

"Sat in the back and made fun of the characters." Brandon says smiling.

I look over at Benn and smile. He shakes his head and looks down.

"What did you guys actually do?" He says whispering.

"We went to the park and talked for a while." I say.

He nods. I look at Brent. He smiles and sits next to me. I look at him for a while and notice things. The way his dimples go in when he smiles. How his smile is more shifted to now side then the other. How his eyes light up when he smiles. Everything. I notice everything. I move in closer to him and he puts his arm around my shoulder. I watch the tv.

"Wanna go upstairs? I need to talk to you." Brent says.

"Sure." I say.

I get up and start walking upstairs. With him following behind me i grab my phone from my pocket. Its almost 11:30. Maybe i should head home after this. We get upstairs and we stand in the hallway.

"Hey." He says breathing deeply "I missed you over the time you were gone. I know you probably won't want to. But are you willing to try this again?"

"Brent I can't. I-I don't know. I need to think about it. I should probably go home." I say.

"Kat, I'm sorry. Do you need a ride?" He asks.

"I-I think I'll walk."

He nods and we both go down the stairs. I slip on my shoes and he opens the door. I leave the house and start walking. I get to the end of the drive way and turn around. He's still there. I smile and continue walking across the street. I put headphones in and turn on Attila. Maybe it was better that I am going home. I look beside me and see a pair of lights very close the me. I feel a pain in my whole body. As I fall to the ground i hear my name being yelled. The person driving the car speeds of and I bring my knees into my chest. Everything is blurry.

"Kat you need to keep your eyes open!" someone screams.

Everything goes black and I close my eyes.


I open my eyes and see I'm in a hospital. Why am I here? My head is pounding. I look at my hand and it has cuts and scrapes on it. My eyes shift to the left and I see two people yelling at each other. One of them with short black hair that goes up and the other with a small beard all the way around his face and black shortish hair. They are both fairly attractive people.

"You can't just let her walk home alone! This is why you shouldn't be near her! You're going to hurt her over and over again! Like always!" The one with longer hair yells.

They go back an forth like children. It's stupid really. Who are they talking about and why are they in here?

"And you think you're better for her?" The one with short hair says.

"I know a lot more about her then you do!" Says the other.

"Like what?"

"Her favorite color is blue. She likes rap but not a lot of it, so she likes Machine Gun Kelly and Childish Gambino. She likes dogs more than cats. Every two months her and her mom would go to a concert for fun. There was this guy she dated for two years in high school named Derek and things happened. Anyways. You probably didn't even know that she loves soccer! Also, just so you know, she's an amazing kisser."

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