Chapter 11

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Luke was getting discouraged. He couldn't let Julie down. He wouldn't let Julie down. He would explore all of New York City if he had to... he just really hoped he didn't have to. He checked his phone and saw that Reggie and Alex didn't have any luck, so they all moved on to their next location.

Luke walked into The Plaza Hotel. It was beautiful, elegant and yet simplistic in its grandeur... if you were into that kind of thing. Not that Luke was, but he could see how someone might be. He was a rock and roll guy after all. But he did stop to appreciate the grand piano being played in the lobby. The guy wasn't as good as Julie, but that didn't surprise him.

He took the elevator up to the top floor, but there was nothing there except for some large fancy rooms. He went to text the guys, but wasn't getting any reception once he was back in the elevator. Could he have poofed? Yes, but the elevator ride was strangely calming.

Luke knew Reggie was across the street in Central Park, so he decided he would just walk over there, when he noticed a woman in a flapper dress going down an alleyway. Julie had told him how women had to protect themselves a lot lately from creeps. Luke couldn't resist the opportunity to be a hero, so he watched her walk just to make sure she was safe. He felt relieved when he saw her join a group of friends. He wondered if they were going to a costume party, as they all had fancy dresses and suits on. He went to leave the alley when he saw the group disappear into the wall.

He was floored. He had found the club, by accident! He didn't know if there were multiple ghost clubs in New York, so he wanted to make sure before texting Julie. He joined the crowd lining up. While he didn't look like he was going anywhere fancy in his ripped shirt and baggy pants, no one gave him any funny looks. He hoped there was no ghostly bouncer or something, but it seemed more like the club was so hard to find, that anyone who knew where it was could enter without issue. He was grateful that there was a proper door, as he wouldn't have been able to enter otherwise. Luke remembered how there were lifers at the club in Hollywood, so it must have been the same situation here.

Luke entered with a group, stepping into a golden gilded elevator. It didn't look like it would be able to transport one person safely, let alone the 7 of them who were in there, plus the elevator attendant who was dressed in a vintage uniform. Luke went to text the guys, saw that it wouldn't turn on. How was that possible? He just had 80% when he was in the hotel! After how his call ended with Willie, he made sure he left with a full battery. He decided he would check it out, leave, and then come back with the guys after they had a chance to come up with a full plan. Since he probably wouldn't be able to find them without his phone, he would just back and wait at Julie's.

When the doors opened again, Luke forgot that he was entering the lair of someone evil. It was breathtaking. It was an open atrium, with cast iron finishes, and a stained glass dome. Where the club in Hollywood had been dark and rich, New York's felt bright and open. There was a bandstand in the centre of the room, and groups were already seated, eagerly watching the stage. He wondered what it would be like to play here. The acoustics would be insane. Remembering he was here on a mission, he scanned the room. Luke recognized some of the staff around the room, and knew he was in the right place. He turned and was about to leave when a cold hand gripped his shoulder.

"Hello Lucas. What a surprise."

Luke's whole body tensed. He slowly turned, trying to calm his anger. "Caleb." It took everything Luke had to not start attacking Caleb right now. Luke saw something flicker in Caleb's eyes, but just as quickly, it was gone.

Caleb gave Luke a big smile. "Where are my manners. Lucas, please meet... my mentor, Michael." Caleb gestured to the older man beside him.

The man, Michael, reached out his hand to shake Luke's. Luke stared at it, and then back at Caleb. A mentor? That could not be good. "You know what, I'd love to stay and chat, but I was actually just leaving. Got tickets to a Broadway show, so have to go."

Caleb's grip tightened on Luke's shoulder. "Nonsense Lucas. I insist you stay. I promise, it will be worth your while."

Luke knew he couldn't trust Caleb. But at the same time, what if this was the only way to get Carlos back and reunite the Molina family? How could he go back and tell Julie he walked away when he had the chance? Luke gritted his teeth in a forced smile. "Thanks Caleb. I will just go find a table."

"You will sit with me." Michael said. There was no asking, it was a command.

Luke now realized what he had seen in Caleb's eyes: fear.


Alex tried calling Luke for the third time, with no answer.

"Maybe he lost his phone?" Reggie suggested.

Alex shook his head. "I don't think so. I know Luke can be clumsy and forgetful, but he would keep his phone with him right now. I'm sure of it."

"So what do we do now?"

Alex crouched down on his knees and took deep breaths. His hands were starting to shake and he felt like he needed to cut out all of the nearby sounds. He wanted to leave from where he was, but honestly, he was worried about leaving Reggie alone. He started taking his thumb and pressing it to the tip of each of his fingers.

Reggie stared silently. He knew Alex was having an attack. A bad one. He bent down, and tightly wrapped his arms around Alex. They almost fell to the ground as Alex was caught off guard, but Reggie stabilized them. He felt Alex's breath getting faster, but after a few moments, Alex let out a deep breath and his breathing started to slow down.

"Reg, you can let go now." Alex said quietly. He slumped down against a nearby wall. "Thanks though." Reggie gave him a small smile. He didn't say anything as he could tell Alex was still processing everything.

"Okay. So let's review where we're at," Alex started. Making a list of what needed to happen would help him remain focused and clear headed. "So we have found the club, or what is likely the club. Luke is missing, but there is a good chance he saw all of this," he gestured with his hands, "and went in."

Reggie nodded. "And we know that Willie was in the club, and he had Carlos' phone, so Carlos is probably here too."

"Assuming we can trust Willie. I know that didn't work out before," Alex said while looking guilty. Reggie patted his back and reminded him that wasn't his fault. "Right. Okay. And we need to find Carlos, convince him to come back with us, and somehow not let Caleb capture us. Or come after us again. Great. Sounds like a walk in the park." Alex had become more dejected as he was talking and now was using sarcasm.

"And we need to give Julie an update." Reggie added.

"No. Reg we can't tell her about this. We don't know where Luke is, and if Julie finds out that he's up there with Caleb on his own, she'll just freak out and try to come here."

"I guess so, but I don't like not telling her what's going on." Reggie said sadly.

"I know bud, but that's what we need to do right now to keep her safe." Alex looked back to where the people were slowly dwindling behind the dumpster. He knew what they had to do, but he also knew that it was stupid. Obviously it was stupid, Luke had already done it. He stood up, took a deep breath and looked at Reggie. "C'mon. We're going in."

"Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is." Mark Twain

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