Chapter 15

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a/n - gotta do a real short chappie here cause other wise the next one would be way too long. apologies.

Julie sensed a change in the atmosphere. It was like that feeling just before a rain storm starts, where you can sense it is about to pour, but it's too late to do anything. She looked at the boys on the floor, and quickly crawled over to where Carlos was. He was breathing, but in obvious pain.

"Carlos! Carlos, I'm here, I'm here," Julie said while rubbing his back. He continued to spasm in pain, which brought more tears to Julie's eyes.

Julie still couldn't wrap her mind around what had just happened. She had been in her room, packing her suitcase, when Caleb appeared in her room. He blew powder in her face (very dramatic) and then she found herself here. It was like starting a book halfway in the middle and trying to figure out what the heck was going on, and who all the characters were. Specifically, who is Michael? She didn't have time to think about that though. She needed to find a way to get Carlos out of here, and then help the boys. But she couldn't leave them here either. Ugh! Why couldn't there be like ghost police or something to intervene in this situation.

Julie looked around the room – searching for something that could protect Carlos. She wasn't really sure if there was a safe place, she was surrounded by ghosts after all, but she figured being front and center was not the best choice.

Julie struggled to move Carlos, but was eventually able to get them behind a nearby table. Carlos had stopped spasming, and was now just quietly groaning. He opened his eyes and looked at Julie.

"Jules... I'm so sorry," He said in between painful breaths.

"Carlos, stop. All that matters is that you are okay. I'm just so relieved your safe" Julie said softly while giving him a gentle hug. She wiped away a tear from his cheek.

"That's just from the pain... it's not like I missed you or anything." Carlos said with a weak smile.

"I missed you too. Now don't ever pull something like this again!" Julie gave a light slap on Carlos' arm.

"Ow! I'm in pain, remember!" Carlos said in mock pain.

"I barely touched you." Julie said rolling her eyes.

The pair smiled. It felt like everything was returning back to normal, that was until Julie noticed movement by the boys.


This was not going the way Caleb had intended. In fact, it was very much the opposite. And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids. Well, and if Michael could have been persuaded.

But if he was going down, he was going to take them with him.

In a flash, Caleb was beside the boys.


Willie felt numb. He could hear words being said, but couldn't make them out. But he was still here. He tried to move but he didn't feel as if his body had the strength. He tried to speak, but only mumbled whispers came out. Could ghosts really die? He wasn't experiencing any 'go into the light' feelings, but that didn't happen the first time around either. And then a pain surged through him like he had never felt before. His eyes rolled up to see Caleb standing above them, and he appeared to have brandished them with a new stamp. Willie hadn't even felt Caleb touching him, but this stamp was already more powerful and fast acting than Willie had ever witnessed.

Willie looked at Alex, hoping that he was somehow wrong. But in that moment, he watched as Alex flickered, along with Reggie and Luke. Willie hadn't flickered yet, he assumed it was because he had a stronger tolerance? The guys had already experienced these flickers before, whereas this was Willie's first time. He knew the flashes became more frequent as time went on. He didn't know how long they had to last.


Julie was too shocked to even scream out. She watched the boys flickering rapidly.

"Michael, release me from our contract, or these souls will disappear." Caleb said with a menacing tone.

Michael raised an eyebrow. "Why would that matter to me?"

"Well if the girl doesn't have powers, then surely it must be coming from them. Wouldn't you rather harness that power? Release me, and they will be yours." Caleb tried to counter.

"Caleb, I am tired of your insolence. You are not in the power of authority here,
Michael said with a raised voice. "The mere power these children may possess does not outweigh your choices. No. Caleb, I am afraid to say that this is the end."

Caleb's face flickered between fear and anger. "NO!" Caleb yelled, but Michael paid him no attention.

Julie watched with tears streaming down her face. The boys were flickering so much now that she was afraid to blink and miss them. This was it. The boys were leaving her, and she wasn't even going to get a chance to say goodbye. And they weren't going to even have the peace of crossing over, they were just going to be gone. Carlos watched beside her, feeling guilty for how this was all panning out.

And just like that, Michael waved his hand and Caleb was gone.

do my words of wisdom count if they're song lyrics? cause a new needtobreathe album came out with live recordings they did in March, and Banks was already my jam, but now it has just been re-established by this album.

"I want to hold you close, but never hold you back, just like the banks to the river."

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