Chapter 14

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Luke and Michael had been watching Caleb perform, though neither seemed particularly interested.

"So, Lucas, I take it you have been... problematic for Caleb." Michael said, not taking his eyes off the stage.

Luke stared at the man. Though he wouldn't admit it, Luke was afraid of Michael. If he had been the one to mentor Caleb, then he must be truly evil. Luke didn't like not knowing who he was up against, and if Michael knew about him, did that mean Julie was in trouble from him as well?

Apparently, Michael was not used to his questions being ignored. He turned to face Luke, giving him an unreadable stare.

Luke gulped – he didn't think people actually did that in real life – and answered. "I wouldn't say problematic. We simply didn't want to join his band. He just didn't like that as an answer."

Michael shook his head slowly. "And why would he make sure an effort over you?" He asked.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure." Luke said while biting his inner cheek. He didn't want to bring up Julie.

Michael nodded and gave a small smile. "I see, there is a girl. She is the one who Caleb has told me about."

Luke panicked. How did Michael know he had been thinking of Julie. And why had Caleb mentioned her?

Again, Michael spoke as if he knew Luke's thoughts. "Many years ago, I met Caleb, and made a deal with him. The details of which are not important, but it appears that Caleb is planning to go back on his side. He brought a young man, as a token of sorts, in hopes that I would amend our agreement. I believe he is related to the young woman you know."

Before Luke could speak, the lights went out. They turned on a moment later, but the atmosphere had changed. Caleb told the audience to go home, and while Luke knew he would be able to sneak away in the chaos, he needed to know more. Perhaps Michael would reveal something that would make Caleb cross over, or at least persuade him to leave them all alone. Luke spied Reggie making his way towards them. While Luke was grateful to see his friend – and presumably Alex was somewhere here to, Luke couldn't risk Reggie interfering. He slowly shook his head, hoping Reggie would get the message. After a few moments, and with a confused look, Reggie started walking to the opposite side of the room.

"The challenge is, Lucas, that I do not like when others try to break a contract with me." Michael said. He had Luke's entire attention now. "And it seems as if Caleb is trying to broker a new deal, and is going to use this young man, and perhaps you as well, in an attempt to sway me."


True to her word, Carrie, along with Flynn, showed up thirty minutes after leaving Julie to pack. While her father had been reluctant to let his teenage daughter take their private plane with two friends to New York, his tune changed when Carrie said the two words he had been dreading his whole adult life. Sunset Curve.

He had been stunned and terrified when Carrie mentioned the name of his old band. That, plus seeing three boys who looked identical to his old bandmates at The Orpheum, well it was just too coincidental. He asked no questions, and charted the plan for Carrie. Once she left the house, Trevor called an emergency session with his therapist. He was either going crazy, or something crazy was going on.

Carrie knocked on Julie's door, but when no one answered, Flynn grabbed the spare key and walked in. They called for Julie, but no response. They went to her bedroom, and found her suitcase lying open on her bed.

"Did Julie tell you she was going to get something?" Carrie asked Flynn.

Flynn shook her head and checked her phone. No messages. "Let's just call her." A vibrating sound from Julie's desk told them the bad news, Julie was gone and without her phone.

"What do we do now?" Carrie said, turning to Flynn. When Flynn didn't reply, the two sat on Julie's bed, unsure of how to proceed.


Julie was preparing for immense pain or to be chained up somewhere... or after what the guys told her, a perfectly tailored dress. Instead, she opened her eyes and saw an empty room. Or, rather, not so empty. Luke. Yet instead of his typical happy heart eyes, his face was a mix of pain and sadness. Julie went to run to him when Caleb held her close.

"No no no Miss Molina. You're going to stay right here with me." Caleb said.

"What are you doing?" A voice yelled out. Julie spotted Carlos, along with Alex, Reggie, and presumably Willie running towards where Luke was standing. Julie felt like she was about to weep. Carlos was here. After all their searching, she finally was with him again. Caleb's tightening grip however reminded her that this was not the happy reunion she had hoped for.

Caleb was trying to remain in control of the situation, but he couldn't take the incessant noise and distractions. He snapped his fingers, and Julie watched Alex, Reggie, Willie, and Luke fall to the ground. Carlos doubled over in pain, but was at least moving. The other four looked as if they were unconscious. Oh god Julie hoped they were just unconscious.

Julie screamed. She started to cry, wanting nothing more than to run to her boys. But Caleb refused to loosen his hold on her.

During all of this, Michael had remained seated, looking almost bored. But now, he was becoming impatient.

"Caleb," Michael spoke. Though it was said gently, it was if he yelled, as Caleb turned to him. "I hope you have not brought me here, to discuss... children. You do remember the terms of our deal, correct?"

Caleb looked at Julie, and then faced Michael. "No. These aren't just any children. This one," he said, pointing to Julie. "She possesses power."

Michael evaluated Julie. "Have you seen her use these powers?" Silence. Again, he seemed unimpressed. "I sense no more power from her than I do from this table." Julie didn't know who this guy was, but that was not cool. Though he did not appear to be on Caleb's side, so she bit her tongue.

Caleb was shaking. At first, Julie thought it might have been fear, but then she saw a glint in Caleb's eye. He was full of rage. If the power truly didn't come from Julie, then did that mean it came from the boys? Furious, Caleb tossed Julie to the ground.

Michael picked at his nail, completely uninterested. "No, Caleb I do not believe we are going to make a new arrangement. In fact, it seems that you are trying to void the one we currently have." He raised his eyes, boring into Caleb's. "And that will not be tolerated."

"As we grow up, we don't lose friends, we just learn who our real ones are."

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