Chapter 12

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a/n - sorry for all the different perspectives in this chappie. hopefully it doesn't make it too confusing. xo peaches.

Alex told Reggie they needed to be inconspicuous as the waited in line. Which meant Reggie started talking very loudly. "Yup. Here we are in line. Going to one of our favourite spots. The good old ghost club. Lots of fun here. Great food – real great food." Alex fought the urge to smack him in the head. Reggie was a sweet little butterfly, but that didn't mean Alex wanted everyone, especially Caleb, to find out they were here.

Reggie and Alex got off the elevator and their eyes went wide at the large room. It appeared that the show had already started, so everyone was watching Caleb and his band in the middle of the room. Alex was starting to walk, when Reggie put his arm out in front of his chest, blocking Alex's way. Alex looked at Reggie confused, who simply pointed to a table near the front where Luke was sitting. While he didn't seem to be in any danger, the boys could tell from how stiff his posture was that he was on edge.

"Alex, something isn't right," Reggie whispered, not taking his eyes off of the center of the room. "Why would Luke sit in the front where Caleb can obviously see him. And who is that guy who is with him?" Alex hadn't noticed the older man at first, but was now sure something was up. Before they could say another word, Caleb's eyes were drawn to them.

Alex gave Reggie a panicked look. "Reg. Get out of here now. Go tell Julie that we found the club. Make up some excuse, but don't let her know anything is wrong. Then come back. I don't think this is going to be an easy night." Reggie didn't want to leave Alex, but he poofed out, and went to talk to Julie.


As much as Carlos wanted to help, he really didn't have any idea of what to do. And Willie didn't either. He couldn't tell Carlos where the souls went after Caleb took them, if he just absorbed them or physically had them. He couldn't give him any more details about Michael, or any other potentially helpful tidbits.

Carlos was frustrated. He was a kid. He shouldn't have to deal with this sort of stuff. He should be thinking about sports, and how to prank Julie, and occasionally school. Yet here he was in this mess, knowing if he hadn't met with Caleb, and then run away to join him, he could be safe at home right now.

Carlos and Willie had stopped in the hallway trying to come up with a plan. They had been so focused, that they failed to notice the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Ah, Mstr. Molina. How lovely to see you. I assume that William came to get you?" Caleb said with venom in his voice. "This is the young man I was telling you about, Michael." The man beside Caleb looked at Carlos for a moment before his eyes moved to Willie, and then returned to Caleb.

"We still have much to discuss Caleb. I have not agreed to your proposition yet." Michael replied, void of emotion.

"Yes, of course Michael. Shall we continue discussing it while we head to the atrium? I'm sure you will enjoy our production tonight." Caleb said with a slight edge in his voice. Before they walked off, Caleb turned to look at Willie and Carlos. "William, I trust Carlos will be in his room by the time the show is finished." Caleb didn't need to finish his threat, Willie knew he was already in trouble for freeing Carlos.

Caleb must have known better, as moments later, two ghosts escorted them to a room.


Alex knew it was only a matter of time until Caleb took him, but he continued to sing, his vanity prohibiting from stopping in the middle of performance. Unfortunately, Alex was too stunned to move.

Caleb was almost finished his song, when a loud commotion caused him to falter. The band stopped playing, and looked at Caleb for direction. He cleared his throat and addressed the audience, "It sounds like the next act is almost ready to come out and put on a great show. I will go get them now." But Caleb didn't make it far before the lights went out.


Julie stared at Reggie, waiting for him to speak. Reggie, meanwhile, was fidgeting and looking at the ground.

"Julie... Alex told me not to say anything. And I really need to get back."

"What?! Reggie you know you can't leave after telling her that!" Flynn yelled. Reggie had a pained expression.

"Julie, please. I really need to go back. Now." Reggie pleaded. Julie didn't have any words. She sat on the couch as a million thoughts raced through her mind.

"Reggie. Are they safe?" Julie finally said.

"I... I don't know." Reggie stammered.

Julie turned to face Carrie. "How long will it take us to get to New York?"

Carried frowned. "It's like a 6 hour flight plus the time difference."

Julie dragged her fingers through her hair.

"Julie..." Reggie said quietly.

"Fine. Go. But if no one comes back here in an hour, I'm getting on a plane."

Reggie poofed out to return to the boys. Julie hoped everything would be okay, but when it came to Caleb, there was no guarantee.

Carrie and Flynn sat on the couch beside Julie, trying to comfort her, but knowing they wouldn't have the right words to say. Julie stood abruptly and started running up to her room.

"Jules? What are you doing?" Flynn called after her.

"I'm getting ready."

"Julie... didn't you tell Reggie that you were going to wait for an hour?" Carrie asked. Julie gave her a hard stare and then started rummaging around in the closet for her suitcase. "Right... okay well I will call my dad to set something up. I'm guessing I won't mention that I know he stole the songs, though maybe I should just to make sure he gets it done without asking too many questions. Flynn, I'll take you home so you can pack, and then pick you up in 30?"

Julie snapped her head up at this. "What do you mean?"

"Jules, c'mon, we aren't going to let you do this on your own." Flynn replied as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.

Julie didn't think she had any more tears left in her, but a few surprised her as she grabbed the girls in for a group hug. She didn't trust herself to speak, fearing it would turn into a cry, so she nodded and watched as them leave.

Julie looked up, tears now freely falling down her face. "Mami, if you're there, please please help. I think the boys and Carlos are in danger. Please Mami. I don't know what to do. Please. I don't think a sign will do anything right now, but please give me what I need to stay strong."

Different kind of quote for this one... when I was in university, there was this amazing tumblr (do people still know what that is?) called brotips. it was my favourite thing. and daily odd compliments. like I covered my dorm room door and wall with print outs. so here's a good old bro tip for you.

"Don't leave room in your future for people who left you in their past." brotip #469

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