Chapter 4

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time for some emotional whiplash I think. xo

"Killer... you do remember that the Hollywood Ghost Club is not like a fun club right? It's bad."

"Yeah Reg, but you guys have it's empty right now."

"Jules, it is empty right now, but that doesn't mean it will be later. Caleb could be there any day. No, it's too dangerous."

"And yet, you continue to go there every day Luke."

"But Jules we can poof out! You can't. No, I'm putting my foot down. I forbid you to go."

Um excuse me?

"You forbid me?" Julie said walking up to Luke with a fierce look in her eyes.

"Um... yes?" Luke said unsure. He looked to Alex and Reggie for support.

"Don't look at us!" Reggie shrieked and poofed out with Alex who gave Luke an exasperated look.

Julie grabbed Luke by the shirt, and looked him straight in the eyes. "Do you want to try that again?"

Luke started stuttering, avoiding Julie's eyes. "I- I mean I don't like forbid forbid you. I just mean... um forbid is a weird word right? Forbid forbid forbid. Is that even a real word?" Luke sighed and brought his eyes to Julie's. "I just can't let anything happen to you Jules. I wouldn't be able to survive if something happened to you." He rested his forehead against her's.

"I get that Luke," she said with her anger settling. "But that's not up to you... and I love you too." A small smile graced her lips. "Now, go get the guys, we've got a plan to work on."


For the first time since Carlos left, Julie was feeling optimistic. She and Luke were getting over their awkwardness, her dad knew the truth about the guys, and they were coming up with a plan to get Carlos home.

The guys had come back, and then Reggie left again declaring that snacks were necessary. Armed with more food than they could possibly eat, they began working on their plan. Or rather their contingency plan. Plan A was to poof into the empty club and leave the note where they had found the one from Carlos. Plan B was what to do if the club was not empty. So far all they had was to leave the club immediately... so not really a plan at all.

In the end, they had decided that Julie would go with them, but stay out of sight with Reggie, regardless of whether the club was empty or not. Reggie, who had caught up on all of the Star Wars movies, kept yelling "it's a trap!" so he insisted on being the one with Julie, since he thought... well that it might be a trap. Again, not really a great plan from a details perspective, but Julie was getting restless so they decided to call it good enough.

She went up to her room and sat at her desk, trying to think of what to write. A moment later, Reggie poofed onto her bed and started hugging one of her pillows.

"Reggie!" Julie half sighed, half screamed.

"Julie... how come everyone I care about leaves?"

Julie was stunned.

"What do you mean Reg?" she asked as she joined him on the bed.

"Well Carlos left me, and don't tell Butter I said this, but he's an old dog and I know he will leave me too. And my mom left." A tear started to fall down his cheek.

Julie gave Reggie a big hug. "It's going to be okay Reg," she nudged his shoulder. "Trust Killer." Reggie gave a weak smile. "We'll get Carlos back. Butter loves you, and well... you've got us as your family now. And Carlos didn't leave you, I promise. That wasn't about you."

"You're the best sister a ghost could ask for. Thanks Jules." He stood up to leave. "Oh and don't tell Luke I called you that."

Julie gave a small laugh and went back to her desk. If she had the time, she would have written Carlos a novel, but she was worried if she did that he wouldn't read it. So she decided to keep it short, but hopefully say everything she needed to.


Papi and I love you and miss you. Please come home. I know you miss Mami, and I know you wish she was here. But she is here. I see her every time I look at your eyes or hear your laugh. Or when Papi sings off key in the kitchen, I see her there beside making pancakes every Saturday morning.

We already lost her, we don't want to lose you too.

Love, Julie


The guys agreed that they would go check out the club to make sure no one was there before going back with Julie. Luke once again tried to convince her that she really didn't need to come, but she wouldn't hear it. After confirming the coast was clear, they went back to collect Julie.

Without Willie around to help them with their ghosting questions, they had to rely on the good old trial and error method. They tried poofing with Julie, only to realize that she didn't poof with them, but was still standing in the studio. So that wasn't going to work. Not wanting to get her dad's hopes up, Julie called for an uber rather than asking Ray for a drive. It definitely was not as efficient, and not free, but it worked. And the guys thought it was pretty cool that your phone could get a car to drive you around and you didn't even have to pay – Julie had tried to explain how it worked, but gave up.

They arrived outside the Hollywood Ghost Club. Seeing as the guys had always poofed in, they weren't entirely sure where the lifer entrance was, but they knew there had to be one as lifers were at the party when they first went. After 20 minutes of searching, they found a hidden door that led to a further hidden elevator, which finally took them up to the top floor where the club was.

Again, Julie was told to wait behind, though this time she had Reggie for company. The two watched as Luke and Alex walked up to the piano on stage where they had first found Carlos' note, and left the one Julie had written in its place. Admittedly, they all hoped that something, anything, might happen, but after a few moments they realized that they were just wasting time. They slowly walked back to the elevator, ears alert for the slightest of sounds. Still nothing but the sounds of their heartbeats and breathing. Julie had put all her hope in this plan, and now she was realizing that it might have been useless. They were back to square one.


After the elevator doors closed, someone poofed into the Hollywood Ghost Club. They grabbed the note, and returned to Caleb in New York.

"They came back, just like you thought they would." The ghost said while handing Caleb the note. After a quick glance, he handed the note back.

"I don't think Mr. Molina needs to see that note. Dispose of it." The ghost nodded in agreement with Caleb's order, and began to walk away. "Oh, and William?"

Willie turned to look back at Caleb.

"Don't think I've forgotten your little stunt you pulled. Losing those boys cost me quite a bit. Now I will need to use this boy instead for my plan to succeed. Do not fail me again."

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