Chapter 16

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Julie couldn't hold back any longer. She ran to Luke, sobbing quietly as she held his hand.

"Please... please don't leave me," She whispered. Luke only responded with a sad smile.

"We've been here before Jules. No regrets, remember?" Luke said.

A spark of optimism flashed through Julie. She grabbed Luke in a hug, but nothing happened. She tried again, hugging harder this time, but still, nothing. She ran to the other boys, but the same thing happened.

Julie next ran to Michael. "Why is this happening? Caleb is gone! His stamps should be gone! Please! Help them! Do something!"

Michael looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry my dear, but they are already going. The stamp's power continues on regardless."

"But... but last time I just had to hug them and it went away." Julie said, and then she was furious. "You just got rid of Caleb with a literal wave of your hand. You can stop this!" Her anger quickly left her face and she fell down crying. "Please. I can't let them go."

Michael looked at Luke, Alex, and Reggie. Sighing deeply, "I cannot stop them from leaving, but I can change where they go." Julie looked up with wide eyes.

"What do you mean? Like to heaven?" Julie asked.

"It's not quite as simple as that, but I can allow them to cross over. Even without completing their unfinished business."

Julie was torn. She didn't want them to leave, and truthfully, she had been planning on trying to make them ignore the concept of their unfinished business so they would stick around. But she could give them peace at least.

"What do I need to do?"

Again, Michael gave Julie a sad look. "I'm afraid it is not up to you. They must try on their own. Normally, the act of crossing over acts as a sort of guide, leading them to what the ancient Greeks would refer to as Asphodel. A waiting room of sorts. Unfortunately, at this stage, it is unlikely they will have the strength to find it, but they will at least have an opportunity."

It couldn't end like this.

"What if I go with them?" Julie asked.

"Julie no!" Carlos yelled.

"Jules," Luke coughed. Julie ran back to Luke, trying to be with the boys while she could. "You can't. I won't let you."

"Luke, I have to." Julie said. With a small laugh she added, "Besides, remember how I told you that you can't tell me what I can and can't do. But it seems that you can't do anything without me, so... yes, I have to go with you."

"No... no you don't." A voice said.

"Willie?" Alex said slowly.

Willie turned to Michael. "I figured out what my finished business was a while ago, but... well I didn't want to leave. If I cross over, could I act as their guide?"

Michael thought for a moment, which felt like forever to everyone else in the room. "Yes... yes, I believe it would. You seem to have a connection which should allow you to direct them."

Willie nodded, and left the room. Since Caleb was gone, Willie's poofing powers had returned. Julie felt anxious as she waited for his return, but she knew, one way or another, this was her time to say goodbye to the boys.

"Alex...," Julie started to say. "I... I don't know what to even say. I didn't even know what I was missing in my life until I met you. You have been a voice of reason and wisdom, and endless sass." Alex let out a small laugh. "Honestly, I think Flynn might be a little jealous. You are everything I could ask for in a best friend. I will miss you so much... but maybe crossing over with Willie will be a good thing? I wish I could be there for you, but I trust that you will be there watching over me. Now I need to stop talking before I cry anymore." Alex nodded with tears in his eyes.

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