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Happy Sunday everybody!!!!!

It didn't take me that long this time to update so I think I'm getting better. Writing this chapter gave me the feels so I hope you enjoy it!!

My heart was in my throat the second I saw him enter the house. I slowly walked down the rest of the stairs with a firm grip on the rail, afraid that if I let go I would fall. I'm not sure he knows I'm home considering I parked in the garage tonight.

I don't think I'm up for round two of this argument with my dad. Maybe if I run into my room and lock the door he won't notice that I'm here.

"Hey sweetheart" his voice is so quiet I had to strain to hear him. "I brought take out, have you eaten already?" I nodded my head telling him that I haven't had dinner yet, even though the last thing I want to do right now is eat.

I followed quietly behind him into the dining room. I sat down and began to move the chopsticks around in my food. The urge to throw up was high and if I ate anything that's exactly what was going to happen.

"I'm just going to break this awkward silence. I'm sorry that I have been gone and that you haven't heard from me in awhile. And I'm so sorry about the way I yelled at you that day but you have to understand where I am coming from. In my head I have had this idea since you were little that you were going to grow up graduate high school, go to college, travel the world, and then start thinking about marriage and children. So when Mary called me and told me about the rumors that were going around, in my head I saw everything that I dreamed you would do wash away. I know I overreacted and I should never think that way but it just hurt me that you didn't come tell me yourself." Every word that he said brought tears to my eyes. I was expecting for him to continue yelling at me or maybe even disown me. I wasn't expecting him to be so truthful and open up to me like that.

"I was scared that you were going to hate me if I told you. I was so paranoid that I was going to lose you that I just wanted to prolong you finding out for as long as I could." I told him truthfully.

"Baby girl I'm not going anywhere. You are my world and I know for a fact that baby is going to have me wrapped around it's little finger because it's going to inherent the same amazing and determined qualities that you have." he wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled me into his lap engulfed me into his arms.

I felt like a little kid again, crying in my dad's arms because I fell off my bike or because a kid in my class was picking on me. Some people would think that my childhood wasn't complete because I only had one parent but when you have a dad like mine you don't need anyone else.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too."

"Maybe now that you have realized that I'm growing up and probably leaving soon you might finally ask Mary on that date." I say playfully trying to lighten the mood before I start crying again.

"You always know how to ruin a good moment." he says kicking me off his lap.

"Seriously Dad, you have known her for almost half your life. I give her credit for continuing to deal with how stubborn you are all this time, but if you don't promise her anything in return there is no telling if she will stay." I don't want my dad to be lonely for the rest of his life. I want him to have someone when I'm not here to keep him company. I want him to be happy.

"Hey! Do you know how long it took me to build up the courage to ask out your mother?" he says holding up his hands in the surrender position.

"No but I know it didn't take you 15 years."

"Okay look here sassy pants, since you want to talk about relationships I am off Monday night so I want to met the bastard that knocked up my little girl." I chuckled at his words but the serious look on his face told me that he wasn't playing.

I knew this was going to happen and I know Ben knew what he was getting himself into. I just hope my dad doesn't try to be all big and bad and end up scaring off the only person I now owe my life to.

"I will tell him to come over for dinner on Monday."

"No not dinner, he is coming over for a man to man talk." he says with his best Scarface impression.

"You are so weird." I say under my breath just so he can barely hear me.

"What did you say young lady?" he tried to use his best strict parent voice but it's so hard to take him seriously when he is in such a playful mode. I didn't realize how much I missed my dad until now.

"I said that I had my first doctors appointment today." he nodded his head as if asking me to continue. "They ran the usual tests and told me that everything is fine. My doctor said that I can continue to exercise with my team so I won't be completely out of shape the next time recruiters come. She showed us the baby and gave us pictures." I took the picture I placed in the kitchen and gave it to him to see. "Apparently it is currently the same size as a grain of rice right now." I began to ramble but stopped when I saw my dad start to tear up.

"Don't worry these are tears of joy. My baby girl is going to have a baby of her own." He says reassuringly

"When you start to get emotional is a sign that you need to go to bed. See you tomorrow dad."

"Goodnight sweetheart."

I wish my dad was like Eric Reid!! Hope you loved it!

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See you soon my pets!

Class dismissed!!

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