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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Jaime, Lucy, Mary, and my dad scream off the top of their lungs scaring me awake and making me fall off my bed.

"What is wrong with you people!?" I yell half awake. I tried to get off the floor but I am to tired. They all looked at each other before leaning closer to my face and screaming again


"My baby is eighteen now!" Lucy says while wiping away fake tears and helping me off the ground.

"Happy birthday sweetheart. You are starting to look more and more like your mother everyday." My father said sitting beside me on the bed giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Here you go darling, this was hers." He said handing me a small red box and inside was a beautiful silver necklace with a diamond heart charm in the center. I wanted to cry this is the sweetest thing anyone had ever done. My dad doesn't talk about my mother much so hearing him say that I look like her and giving me the necklace that she wore makes me smile.

"Thanks dad and this is really nice and thoughtful of you guys but why are you waking me up at the ass crack of dawn." I don't even want to know what time it is but I know it is way to early for me to be awake on a Saturday.

"We woke you up at the time you were born. Isn't that just the sweetest " Mary said taking a seat next to my father with a sarcastic grin on her face. She is lucky I love her.

"I was born at 6:25 in the morning!" I just want them to leave so I can go back to sleep.

"I know it's early but we have lots of things to do today." Jaime says trying to pull me up from my bed.

"But I'm tired." I say whining like a child.

"Come on ladies, let's give her another half an hour." my dad thankfully said pulling the three of them out of my room. "We will just be downstairs eating the chocolate chip waffles Mary made." Dammit my father is an evil genius! He knows I can't say no to food especially not Mary's waffles. I slowly made my way downstairs and sat down all zombie like in front of a stack of chocolate chip waffles topped with whipped cream.

"I knew that would get her." my dad said excited that his evil plan worked. Usually I can only eat two of the waffles Mary makes me but today was different. I ate like five and it kind of caught my father off guard. While I ate Lucy and Jaime filled me in on everything they have planned for me.

After breakfast, the three of us all hoped in my car and left. Jaime was driving which had me on edge the entire time. Jaime has never been the best driver, the main reason why she doesn't have a car now is because she totaled her last three. The first thing we were doing today was a present from my grandparents, a spa day for the three of us.

We spent the entire morning getting massages, having our nails and hair done. It was kind of convenient because now I didn't have to do my hair for the dreadful party they are dragging me to tonight.

Once we left the spa it was a little past noon so then we went to grab some lunch. It continues to baffle me how much I am eating today. I ate all of my food at the restaurant and half of Lucy's fries and all of Jaime's mozzarella sticks. Then I still ordered dessert. I am starting to scare myself now.

After lunch we went to the mall to find something to wear tonight. I wanted to go causal in a pair of jeans and a nice shirt but then I tried on this dress and knew I had to buy it. It was the definition of the perfect little black dress with cut outs around my waist. It is kind of helping me out of this paranoid funk I am in the way the dress hugged my curves in all the right places.

By the time we left the mall it was already six. Lucy and I got tired of being scared every time Jaime made a sudden turn so I drove back to Lucy's house so we could get ready.

"We have a little over two hours so Jaime you should have started getting ready an hour ago." Lucy and I laugh. Jaime has always been the stereotypical girl that takes forever to get ready.

"Haha very funny I am going to take a shower." Jaime said grabbing a towel out of Lucy's closet. Immediately after Jaime found a towel I felt my stomach flip. I ran ahead of Jaime into the bathroom and shut the door in her face.

"Hey!" Jaime yelled barging into the bathroom to find me with my head in the toilet.

"Oh gosh Alex are you okay?" Lucy asked following the two of us into the bathroom holding my hair back.

"Yeah I am fine just probably ate too much."

No I am scared shit less because I may be having my literature teachers child.

"Are you sure your okay? Because there is no way you're missing this party!" they ask again.

"Don't worry I am fine. Do you have any Ginger ale Lucy?"

"No sorry!"

"It's okay I will go get some, do you guys want anything?" they both said no.

I got in my car and drove to the closest drug store. There was one right down the street from Lucy's house so I didn't have to search for long. Once I got there I bought a pack of spearmint gum, a bottle of soda for my stomach, a few bags of chips mostly for me but I know they will want some too and one pack of pregnancy tests.

Is Alex pregnant or is she just making herself sick with paranoia??

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See you soon my pets!
Class dismissed!

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