Twenty seven

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Hello My Pets!!!!!
New update, hope you enjoy!!


The last three days have been the most peaceful and relaxing days since I first found out that I was pregnant. I don't know what it is about this place but there seems to be not even a single drop of negative energy in the air. Yes I still get some dirty looks when Ben and I walk down the street together because of my growing belly and how young I look but these are strangers silently judging me and not the people that I have known my entire life. You tend to feel a little more hurt when you know that you have to face the same people everyday.

But I haven't had to deal with any of that for the last three days and it has been great. Ben has been showing me around the city and taking me to the places he has been going to since he was a little kid. Apparently Ben spent most of his summers here as a kid while his parents would travel around the world working.

I have been spending most of my time at the beach while Ben has been helping his parents by taking care of some basic hotel business. Even though he loathes his parents for trying to control his future and have him take over their business, he is too nice to say no and not help a little when he can. We haven't been together all day everyday but Ben makes up for leaving me by myself.

This morning Ben woke me up earlier than usual saying he has a 'Christmas Eve surprise' for me. I reluctantly got out of bed, took a shower, and got dressed for what ever he had in stored for us today. He told me to dress comfortably, which means we aren't doing anything too crazy today. That's good because I've been having a lot of trouble falling and even staying asleep lately. I just end up walking around all night trying to tire myself out. I gave Ben the bedroom two days ago just so I wouldn't keep him up at night with all my late night roaming around and constant trips to the kitchen for food.

And no we haven't been sleeping in the same bed. Not because we don't want to but because I feel guilty keeping him up all night. Why should we both have to be grumpy and tired people? Someone has to be the sane and clear minded person here.

Ben has been in the bathroom for half an hour now, 'getting ready'. I am pretty sure he is preforming open heart surgery in there or something because honestly he takes three times as long as I do to get ready. I thought I was supposed to be the women. But I am not complaining, his snail speed has given me time to think about all the possible things we could be doing today. Knowing Ben, there is no telling what is about to happen.

"Ready to go preggers?" Ben asks me emerging from the bedroom in a pair of faded jeans hanging low on his waist exposing his v-lines and no shirt exposing everything else.

"I am ready but I don't think I can say the same thing about you." I reply pointing to his amazingly sculpted half naked body.

"Of course I am ready." He says in his defense.

"Well I don't think the citizens of Florida want to see your flabby stomach walking around in the middle of the day. You don't want to scar any children for life now would you?" I say teasingly.

"Flabby? Aw baby we both know that is the exact opposite of this. Anyone would be grateful to see my six pack." He says pointing to his stomach.

"Yeah, your six pack of jelly rolls. Now can you put on a shirt so we can go." I say a little impatiently. He laughs and takes his white shirt off one of the stools in the kitchen and waves it in the air declaring his surrender before putting it on and motioning me to the door.

Once the valet brought our car and we both got in, I noticed Ben driving away from the city. That crosses off a few things on my list of possible surprises. Then after about 15 minutes of driving, I notice that we are no longer driving on a main road but through a suburban neighborhood. What could we possible be doing here?

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