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I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to update. School has been kicking my ass right now and I think I just experienced the worst writers block ever!!!! But I'm back now and will definitely try to write and update more often. Thanks to everyone who has been leaving me comments. I read them all and love them all so please continue. Enough of my babbling, enjoy chapter eighteen!!

It has been two days and it seems as if nothing has calmed down. The second I walk out of my house I hear them and all of there comments. I have been trying to do what Lucy told me and not let them get to me but that is kind of hard when the sweet old lady I have lived next door to since birth continues to call me a tramp.

It's not like I want to be out in the real world but I would rather be outside listening to everyone else's thought of me than to stay home and listen to my own thoughts.

Living alone with my dad all these years I have gotten used to the nights alone but this is different. Before he would leave a note telling me he wouldn't be back until later and when he did get home even if I was asleep he would come into my room to make sure I was alright. In these last two days I haven't seen him, talked to him, he hasn't returned any of my or Mary's phone calls, nothing.

I know he is still mad at me but now I think he is just overreacting.

Today is now Friday which means that I have my first doctors appointment this afternoon. I am still not sure if Ben is going with me but for some strange reason I hope he does. There is still apart of me that hoped that Michael would be with me to see our child for the first time but all that hope fades away when I think about how horrible he is as a person.

I quickly get ready not wanting to be in this house by myself any longer than I have to be. I got to school a little earlier than I was expecting so I stayed in my car until the first bell rang. I rushed into my first period class before anyone could see me and sat down in my old seat in the back of the classroom. After what Michael said to me yesterday I don't even want to look at him for the fear that it will make me burst into tears.

"Hey Alex, any word from him yet?" Jaime asks while she and Lucy take seats next to me.

"No not yet." I signed

"Don't worry baby girl, your dad will have to come home eventually." Jaime says trying to make me feel better.

"I doubt it." I whisper under my breath so only I can hear it.

The second bell rings and Ben runs in last minute giving me a small but still heartwarming smile. Which brought my mood up just to bring it back down after seeing Michael walk into the room.

He does his usual, open laptop in the front of the room before looking around to see who is here. I kept my head down wanting to avoid all possible eye contact.

"Good Morning Everyo-" the intercom bell interrupted him.

"Pardon the interruption but can I see Alexandra Reid in the front office with all of her things she will not return to class." Have the heavens just answered all of my prayers?? Did God himself just bliss me?? Who made this happen, I need to know so I can thank them and maybe give them all my money as gratitude.

I have never left a class so fast in my life as I did just now. I don't even know why they called me down to the office but I really don't care.

"Mary! Are you in here?" I shout into what looks like an empty office.

"I'm back here sweetheart." I walked to the break room where Mary was sitting at a table with a cake. "I made you your favorite chocolate fudge cake." she says as I sit down at the table across from her.

"Mary I know what you're trying to do so just come out and say it." I have known Mary for as long as I can remember and I know that she always uses the same technique to sugar coat what is to come, cake. And of course it is going to work even more than before due to me being a overly hormonal pregnant lady.

"I talked to your father this morning." I was not expecting that.

"What did he say?"

"He has calmed down enough to talk to me but I don't think he is quite ready to talk to you. I just wanted to let you know that he is safe because I know how much you worry about him when he is not home." I was extremely worried about him. I stayed up all night yesterday waiting for him to walk through the door just to make sure he is okay. I know he is currently very mad at me but I can't lose him too.

"Did he tell you where he is or when he is coming back?"

"Sadly no he didn't but I know your father very well and he has never been great at expressing his emotions. Your father loves you Alex, he will come around don't worry." I know that all she is trying to do is give me a little peace by telling me he is okay, but I can't help but not worry about the guy and what he could possibly be doing.

"Thanks for telling me this Mary. I guess I will go back to class."

"Alex wait, why didn't you trust me before? Why didn't you just tell me it was you instead of saying it was a friend? I could have helped you more if I knew it was you." I could see the hurt in her face and I automatically felt worse about myself.

"Mary I am so sorry I didn't tell you before. I was barely ready to admit it to myself so when I was talking to you I just panicked and copped out of dealing with my consequences."

"I'm not mad at you Alex, I will admit that when you came in here after throwing up two weeks ago I was a little shocked but I wasn't mad. I love you as if you were my own and will stay by you no matter what."

"Wait how did you know two weeks ago, I barely knew two weeks ago?" how is that even possible she has got to be joking with me.

"Alexandra Melissa Reid I have known you since you were the size of a grape in your mother's stomach. I know that when it is the time of the month you nag me constantly to make you grill cheese sandwiches until you 'pass out into cheese coma'. Considering how much cheese I still have in my fridge I know that didn't happen this month. Plus I know that you have to strongest stomach of anyone I have ever met so your food poison cover up didn't quite work." Well damn! I see she can still read me like a book.

"Well if you already know then why didn't you just pull me aside and ask me?" I ask.

"Trust me I wanted to and maybe slap you around a little but I didnt want to force it out of you, I wanted you to tell me on your own terms." I stood up from the table and hugged Mary.

"Thank you so much Mary, for everything." the bell releasing first period rang and Mary and I said our goodbyes.

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See you soon my pets!
Class dismissed!

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