Thirty six

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I'm so sorry it has taken so long to update. My original plan wan't to make you wait that long especially after the cliffhanger. But I'm back with a very emotional chapter that I hope you will love. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.


Ben's POV

"I think my water just broke." Her words hit me like a truck. I was numb, there was no one else in the room but Alex and I. Her water broke that means the baby is coming. HOLY SHIT THE BABY IS COMING!!

"Are you sure? You still have a month left in your pregnancy."

"Yes I am sure." I could tell from the sound of her voice that she was starting to panic.

"Okay baby I need you to take deep breaths. The one thing we definitely don't need right now is you hyperventilating." She nods listen to what I say right before she squeezes her eyes closed very tight and lets out a throaty scream.

"Ahhhh" she doubles over in pain and I quickly reach out and grab her. Her scream catches the attention of everyone in the room and seconds later our friends come running to her rescue.

"Alex are you okay?" Lucy asks frantically.

"My-my water broke." Alex says trying to take deep breaths.

"We got to get you to the hospital." I say trying to remain the calm voice of reason even though I am freaking out.

"You guys take the limo. Don't worry we will find a way home." Seth says taking Alex's right arm as I take her left and we quickly try to walk her outside.

"Don't worry Alex, I will call your dad and let him know what is going on." Jaime yells over all the chaos.

"Tell him to bring the large bag on the floor in my bedroom." Jaime nods at Alex's request.

"Get these two to the hospital fast." Jacob tells the limo driver. Once Alex and I are in the car, he quickly drives off.

"Ugh these shoes are killing me." She says clearly irritated.

"I told you not to wear them." I chuckle earning a smack on the shoulder.

"Oh shut up and take them off." I quickly get out of my seat and do as she says taking the heels off of her swollen feet. I sit back down allowing for her to lay across my lap making herself more comfortable, or as comfortable as she possibly could be with a baby trying to push itself out.

"Owwww!" Her face tightens with the pain. I lightly brush my fingers along the lines creased into her forehead.

"Don't worry baby we are almost there. Just keep practicing your breathing techniques okay." I hold onto her hand and place kisses along her neck trying anything I can to calm her down.

Minutes later we pull up to the hospital and the driver quickly opens the door for us and helps me get Alex out of the car. With both of her hands in mine, I walk a bare foot Alex into the emergency room.

"Someone help. She is going into labor." I yell over the chaos that is already happening in the room. A nurse quickly walks towards us with a wheel chair. I sit Alex down and then follow the nurse into a hospital room. I give the nurse mine and Alex's information as we pace towards the room.

"Okay Alex, we have called your doctor and she will be here shortly. Can you give me an estimate of how long your last contraction lasted?" The nurse asks Alex as we get into the room.

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