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Enjoy this new chapter!!

Ben and I quickly left his house in fear of what was to come. Coach Wyatt never called people out of class to his office. He would always wait until practice started and then just pull us aside. So the fact that he had Seth hunt us down after lunch and tell us to go to his office was completely terrifying.

"Are you okay Alex? You look a little pale." Ben asks as we make our way back into the school. I can tell he is just as nervous as I am but in all the years I have known Ben I have never seen him show any emotion besides calm.

"Y-yea I'm fine." I lie. I am not fine at all. I was not ready for anyone to know this let alone for everyone to know at once.

"You don't have to lie Alex. I know you are freaking out." the day is almost over for the seniors but everyone is still in class so the hall ways are empty. We walk down stairs to the part of the school where all the offices are.

"Here goes nothing." I say under my breath as we walk closer to Coach Wyatt's door. Ben goes to knock on the door but it is already open. Coach Wyatt is sitting behind his desk with a blank expression on his face.

"Take a seat you two." Oh god! This is how I die isn't it? We slowly sat down and awaited our fate.

"Never in my fifteen years of coaching did I ever think that the reason I call in two of my best athletes is to talk about a pregnancy rumor." just by the sound of his voice I could tell he was pissed but the look in his eyes was telling something different. He was red with anger but his eyes were filled with disappointment. "But because this is a rumor and I don't like to listen to second source information I am going to ask you both this once, is it true?" It fell quiet in the small room after that. I could see Ben shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"Yes it's true." I broke the silence and with that I could see all the hope Coach Wyatt had of this being fake wash away and fill with more disappointment than he previously had.

"What am I going to do with you two? I needed you Alex, this is our most important season."

"Coach I'm-"

"And Ben, I have been telling you and all the other boys since you were fourteen to wrap it up and save yourselves the trouble."

"With all due respect coach-"

"I could have sworn you two hated each other, but it's obvious now that outside of practice you've been shacking up not thinking about your futures."

"Okay that's enough!" Ben speaks up for the first time since we walked in here. "I remember your annual lectures about safe sex. And yea maybe at one point in time Alex and I hated each other but shit changes. She has already had a horrible day and I am not about to let you continue to ruin it with your yelling. So can we please have a civil conversation about this?"

"Alright Mr. Wilson. Please take your seat so we can talk." Coach Wyatt's voice has changed drastically. He seems so much calmer now than when we came in.

"Have you seen a doctor yet Alex?"

"No my first appointment is Friday."

"Do you know how much of this season you will be able to play?" There it is the question I have been worried about.

"Coach, I don't-"

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" Coach Wyatt yells interrupting my answer.

"Coach Wyatt there is someone here to see Ms. Reid." Mary pokes her head into the room. Who could possible be here to talk to me? If Samantha is behind that door I am going to explode.

"Go ahead with Ms. Pope and come right back we are not done here."

I got up from my seat and followed behind Mary.

"Who is it that wants to see me?" I ask once Mary and I are in the hallway alone.

"Alex please don't be mad at me but I had to tell him." I can see the load of guilt that fills Mary's eyes.

"What are you talking about Mary? Who did you tell?"

"Is it true?" all of my confusion was gone just by the sound of his voice. I could feel all the color drain from my face as I turned to look at him. He was hurt, beyond hurt with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Dad I can explain."

"Alexandra Melissa Reid, is it true?" I have heard my father angry but I have never imagined that I would be on the receiving end of that anger.

"I get a call from Mary telling me that you ran out of the cafeteria. I drive all the way over here in hope that nothing is wrong with you and the second I walk through the door all anyone is talking about is you being pregnant so I am only going to ask once, is it true?"

"Yes it's true. Dad I'm so sorry I should have told you sooner."

"That is where you are wrong Alex. I should have been the first person you told. I didn't raise you to keep secrets from me and I sure as hell didn't raise you to do something this reckless."

"Dad please can we just talk about this with out you yelling at me?" I raise my voice in order to get my point across.

"We have had plenty of time to talk Alex."

"No we haven't! We haven't been able to talk because you are never home. In the last month I have seen you four times. I understand that you have to work but it's times like this when I need my parent."

"Well you should have thought about that before you disobeyed my trust. I never thought I would have a problem like this with you Alex but I guess this was your idea of a slap to my face. What would your mother think?" with that I fell silent. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry but I was frozen, in shock to what my father just said.

"Eric that is enough!" I had completely forgot that Mary was here until now.

"I don't want to hear it Mary." and with that my father turned around and left. He left me standing there frozen speechless and my heart in a million pieces. He was all I had left and now he is gone too. Mary ran after him probably to talk some sense into him. It's too late for that, he has already said his peace.

I tried to pull myself together as much as I could before walking back into Coach Wyatt's office but I still couldn't help the unwanted tears rolling down my face.

"Alex are you okay?" Ben asked once he saw my face.

"C-can I miss practice today?" I manage to spit out.

"Yes Alex go ahead take all the time you need."

"Thank you Coach." and with that I walked out of the room.

"Alex wait!" I heard Ben yell from behind me. He quickly caught up to me, spun me around and placed both of his hands on my face causing me to look at him.

"Is everything alright? And don't lie to me because I can tell in your eyes that your not."

"I hope it will be. I will see you tomorrow Ben."

"Okay but call me if you need anything Alex." once he dropped his hands from my face I turned and walked out the back door praying not to run into anyone else.


I hope you guys are enjoying readinh this just as much as I am enjoying writing this.

Do you agree with how Alex's dad handled this? Did he overreact?

Comment your thoughts!!!


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