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Recap: Alex is currently outside of Michael's classroom ready to tell him the big news...

Before you read this chapter comment what you think will happen and then see if you were right afterwards!!!



I took one last deep breath before I walked into his classroom.

Maybe this is a bad idea? Maybe I should just wait until the doctor's appointment. No i can't. I have to tell him now.

I walked in and shut the door behind me before I could convince myself that this is all just a big mistake and I should comeback like never.

"Alex baby I missed you on Friday. Did you come back for more" Mr. Adams says walking towards me and then pulling me close to his body and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"No I didn't come for that. We have to talk Michael." he slowly starts to kiss and bite me up and down my neck. I could feel his hands creeping under my shirt. I try to pull away but it is no use, he is so much more stronger than I am.

"Come on babe, don't be that way." He says in a whining but still very sexy voice. Focus Alex! You came here on a mission don't fall into his trap, again.

"Michael seriously we have to talk." he continues to kiss and ran his hands up and down my body. This needs to stop, he needs to stop. I have to say something before this goes any further. The fact that my hormones are all over the place isn't helping me at all.

"I'm pregnant" I finally say and immediately he stops in his tracks, looking me in the eyes to see if I'm serious and then walking back to his desk before resuming the work he was doing before I walked in.

"Did you hear me?" I ask after he still doesn't reply.

"Yeah I heard you" he said without a single amount of emotion, not even bothering to look up from the paperwork on his desk.


"No sweat. I will pick you up early tomorrow, we will go to a clinic and get that thing taken care of." he said pointing to my stomach. My chin hit the floor at his harsh words.

"Are you forreal?" I ask in complete shock.


"That thing is a child! Your child and the fact that you are not even showing the slightest bit of remorse for what you have done is shocking. What I say I am pregnant and you no longer remember the last two weeks?" I say trying desperately to hold back my tears. I promise I am normally not this emotion but these hormones are no joke.

"No I remember! It was great and all but it was all your fault, you came on to me." Are you kidding me? Is this man delusional?? I never came on to him and didn't even send him any signs to tell him that I wanted him. I'm not going to say it is all his fault because I want with all this nonsense but this would have never happened if it wasn't for him.

"You must be fucking delusional if you think this is my fault the last time I checked I can't get pregnant by myself." At this point I am yelling off the top of my lungs no longer caring if someone can hear me or not.

"You can't get pregnant by yourself but you can raise a child by yourself if you don't want to take my previous deal."

"There is no way I am giving up this baby and I am shocked to hear you saying these things."

"Why would I want a child? Come on now I am twenty four, I don't need a child." Oh my god. This man is going to put me in an early grave.

"I am eighteen and still in high school. If either of us can't afford to have a child it is me."

"Then you will be fine going to the clinic with me tomorrow." he is acting as if he just said the most profound thing ever. Meanwhile I have never wanted to slap someone more in my life.

"I can't do this!" I say and then storm out of the room. I can't help the unwanted tears that are now streaming down my face. There are no words to describe how hurt I feel.

"Alex!" I hear Michael yell my name from down the hall. That only made me walk faster. I hear someone running behind me so I picked up my pace.

"Alex please wait." he said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. Maybe he had a change of heart and he wants to apologize. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance, so I will give him one more.

"You have one minute." I say as he pulls me into a near by empty classroom.

"Don't tell anyone about this okay?!"

"Are you fucking serious?" Please tell me this is all just a horrible dream.

"I am very serious! My job is on the line!" I am going to kill him. He is going to die and I will have this baby in prison.

"Your job is on the line? Well guess what you bastard my chances of getting a soccer scholarship is on the line. My chances of going to college is on the line. My relationship with the only parent I have is on the line. My entire future is on the line and all you care about is a stupid job. So I am going to ask you again, ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?" I am yelling at the less of a man in front of me with so much emotion I may explode.

"I repeat, I am very serious. Now are you going to tell anyone because if you do I will just deny it. And keep your voice down."

"I am going to have to tell people eventually. They will notice when I can no longer play soccer and they sure as hell will notice when I start to gain weight. And don't you dare tell me to keep my voice down!?! "

"Alex the clinic offer is still on the table." he says placing his hand on my shoulder.

"You are unbelievable." I slapped his arm off of me and then I left.

What am I going to do? What can I possible do? It is not like I can go talk to Jaime or Lucy about this because they will want to know who the father is. And I don't want to repeat what just happened. I don't even think I have wrapped my mind around what has just happened. I have one other person I can turn to but I already know what is going to happen if I tell him.

Why couldn't Michael just be a man and own up to what he did. I am not saying that I wanted his full support. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able to get his full support considering that he is a teacher and I am one of his students. But the least he could do was acknowledge me and the baby.

I felt abandoned and neglected. Two feelings that I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. I wasn't expecting to get a relationship out of what me and Michael were doing but I really wasn't expecting a child either.

I have so much anger toward Michael and so many emotions building up mostly from the hormones but if I don't do something now I don't know what will happen. I went to the locker room and changed into my practice clothes and went down to the weight room. It was an hour before practice so no one else was there. Which was great because I would like to relieve my stress and anger alone.

I have really been trying to figure out some kind of update schedule that works out with my everyday schedule, I haven't done that yet but when I do I will tell you. In the mean time I will try to update once a week if not once every two weeks. If you guys do want me to update faster than there is something you can do. VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!

Seriously guys those two little things mean the absolute world for me and every other writer that is just trying to share their ideas with others.

See you soon my pets!

Class dismissed!

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