Little Help? - Wooyoung (smut, fluff)

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I open the door lightly to see if anyone was in the practice room. Looks like it's empty, I mean it is 3am. I open it fully and walk towards the sound desk while looking at the big mirrors around the room.

"Mhh? What are you doing here?" I jump lightly and see Wooyoung sitting on the couch.

"Oh my god, you scared me.." I hadn't seen him through the reflection of the mirror because he was laying down. His hair stuck to his forehead, his chest heaving and his shirt drenched with sweat. "Wow.. you look awful, are you ok?"

"I was just practicing. What are you doing here?" I raise an eyebrow and walk towards the desk without giving him a second look.

"Hongjoong borrowed my bass amp cable the other day. I need it back.." I say as I go on my knees to look under the desk for anything that could look like my cable.

"Can you find it?" I hear his voice right behind me.

"No wait.." I pull out my phone to turn on the flashlight and still. Due to all the cables cluttered together, I couldn't see it anywhere. I sigh annoyed as I really needed it for a recording soon. "I can't see it.." I turn off my flashlight and stand back up. In the process I get my feet tangled up in some of the loose cables and fall backwards against Wooyoung.

"Careful." He says holding onto my shoulders.

"Sorry, wait let try to—" I take a step back to take off the cable but step on another one wrapped around my ankle making me fall completely on Wooyoung, now both of us on the floor.

"I said careful and you make it worst??" He whines under me and I feel my face blush out of embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm trying to get it off my feet but.." I sit up, completely ignoring Wooyoung under me and try to get the cables off. I shake off my foot and struggle to get them off when I feel Wooyoung's hands on my waist.

"Please stop moving.. oh my god."

"I'm no that heavy thank you." I say slightly hurt.

"That's not it, that's really not it."

"Then just give me a second so I can get those things off my feet and not fall again." I mutter finally getting them completely off.

"Fuck.." I hear him whine under me and turn around.

"Stop it!" I tell him embarrassed by his reaction until I see his face.

"Let's blame it on.. Me being tired and wearing only shorts."

"Blame what? On what?" I say a little scared to look down as I start feeling something between my legs. "Oh my god Wooyoung!!" I stand up right away almost falling again.

"It's not my fault!!! You were sitting on me and rubbing yourself around what did you think would happen?!"

"I was not expecting you to get hard! Not over that!!" He sits up and gives me a dirty look. "Don't give me that look." I raise an eyebrow and can't help myself but to look down. Oh.. he was.. kinda big.

"Hey!" He stands up and covers himself with his hands. "Don't peak!"

"There's nothing to see anyway." I scoff, not realizing I had pushed a button not to push with Wooyoung.

"Wha—What do you mean there's nothing to see?" He gets his hands out of the way. "I'd let you know, I'm above national average. There is something to see."

"I'm not having this conversation with you."

"You can clearly see the outline come on!!" I don't even know what look to give him anymore.

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