Daydream 3 - Wooyoung (angst, fluff, smut)

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Pairing: Wooyoung x reader

Genre: Angst, fluff, smut

Word count: 2.6k

Warnings: angst, making out, penetrative sex, cheating.

"So.." I say as I give him a glass of tea and sit down next to him on my couch. "Let's talk, seriously." That word never matched us, the word serious or seriously.

"Yeah." He laughs a bit awkward. "Well.. I guess what I want to say is, let's be together."

"What?" I raise an eyebrow. I knew what he meant, I just wanted him to elaborate.

"Let's just break up. Me with my girlfriend and you with your boyfriend and be together. There's nothing wrong with that plan. We have chemistry, we've known each other for so so long. We obviously like each other I mean.. It's not that bad of a plan. I know it can work." He says a bit desperate after seeing my expression fall down.

"Wooyoung, we can't do that.."

"Why not?"

"Because, because we never took our relationship seriously."

"What do you mean by we never took our relationship seriously? I always did."

"Not like that like. We had the chance to be together when we were younger. We always had the chance to decide to be together, but we didn't. I think your only reason you want to be with me is because you're seeing me close with another man."

"That's not the only reason why I also like you a lot."

"I like you a lot too Wooyoung, but.. this is more serious. A relationship is more serious. There's more things at stake."

"You don't trust me?"

"It's not that! We've always seen each other as friends that were really close. Never anything more."

"Maybe you didn't.." This phrase directly calms me down. He looks at me hurt and I kinda feel called out. Did he really thought of us as anything more?

"I didn't? You did?"

"Y/N.. I mean. Yes we were close but there was obviously more to this. I always thought you would come back and we could be together but then I realized that it wasn't like that. You texted me about this guy and I kinda.. I don't know. I was like, fine it's the end."

"Fine it's the end? Then see, it was not serious!"

"What do you mean? Of course it was! But what did you expect me to do. You were on the other side of the country. You wanted me to text you and be like "No don't go, I'm in love with you. I want you to come back and be with me?". That seemed extremely unrealistic Y/N!"

"It would have helped.." I mutter and he sighs running a hand through his hair.

"Well, I didn't know. I can't read your mind Y/N. Believe me or not but I get lucky most of the time when I guess what you're thinking. This time I couldn't. To me, you were going out with this guy that made you happy and didn't have any plans to come back here. So yeah I thought, fine it's then end." We both stay in silence for a bit. I look down at my hands that were intertwined together. Wooyoung lays back into the couch and looks up at the ceiling.

"I liked you a lot Wooyoung. I think I still like you too, but I don't think it's reasonable to do that." I say almost in a whisper. Wooyoung's phone starts to buzz and he picks it up. He brings up the phone to his ear and I look to the side.

"Hey babe." A pang was an understatement for what I felt in my heart when those words came out of his mouth. "I'm with someone right now..." I look up at him, he's looking out the large window of my living room. "I'll let you know ok?.. Alright.. yeah I'll see you.. bye." He hangs up and puts his phone away. "Then I guess that's it?" I stay silent my heart hurting a bit too much, making tears threatening to come out. He looks up at me and see tears falling down my face as my eyes are still looking my hands. "Come here." He opens his arms and we both lay down in my couch in each other's arms.

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