Little Something - Jongho (suggestive)

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There was just something about Jongho that made me stare and sigh. I don't know if it was his undercut, his cute coconut head or his little double chin when he looked down while concentrating on something. Probably a combination of all of those little details. There was just something, about his overall side profile.

"You're staring.." He says concentrating on the vegetables he was slicing. I jump lightly at him calling me out then start smiling. I get up from my sit and skip towards him. My arms naturally snake around his waist and I rest my head against his back.

"I just missed you."

"We saw each other this morning." He chuckles amused by my dramatic sigh.

"I know, I know.." Today something happened. Something that made me highly uncomfortable. I don't know about you, but when something uncomfortable happens to me, my apartment, my bed, and Jongho, are the first thing that come up to mind. I start missing them, a lot, and the last memory of them become so distant. Today, someone tried to hit on me, however when I tried to politely reject them, it took me yelling at them almost breaking in tears for them to actually leave me alone. Even though I did nothing wrong, I missed Jongho and I felt so guilty.

"Are you ok? You've been really quiet?"

"I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to have you~"

"Mhh.." He stops what he's doing then turns around to cup my face, my arms still around his waste. "Did something happen? You usually don't shut up about your day." The soft expression that he gives me, almost makes me break down in tears. My chin starts to shake a little and with a very non convincing voice, I just tell him that.

"Im fine~"

"If your voice shaked a little more and you had more teary eyes, I would believe you." He chuckles lightly with a slight worried look on his face. "What happened babe?"

"It's nothing." I try to smile, but I know that he won't leave me alone so I cave in. "I just.. This guy tried to hit on me and—" I was expecting him to say something but he just waits for me to finish my thought. "It made me really uncomfortable, I had to raise my voice for him to leave me alone."

"Did he hurt you?" He instinctually raises my sweater's sleeves and see one of my wrist had a slight red mark. "Did he hold you back?"

"A little.."

"Babe.. Why didn't you tell me anything? When did this happen?"

"After lunch."

"You should have called me.." He sees my face drop and my eyes trying to escape his gaze. "Y/N, look at me for a second please." I look up completely embarrassed. "If someone ever tries to hurt you, or make you do something that you're not comfortable with. I want you to call me, or at least let me know. I want you to be able to go to class every day and feel safe ok?" He smiles at me and before I can nod, he hugs me tight, and I bury my face in his chest. "Here.." He leans his head back and I do the same wondering what he's gonna say next. I see him pout like a kid and I smile. "Give me a kiss."

"You're dumb."

"Come on, give it." I go on my tippy toes and give him a kiss. He pecks me a few times before smiling. "I love you~"

"Love you too~"

"Also, if you can recognize him let me know~"

"Don't do anything stupid."

"I won't~" He says casually, before turning around back to his vegetables. 


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