0:29 AM - Hongjoong (fluff)

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✏︎TIMESTAMP - 0:29

His fingers playing slowly with the hair resting on my back. My arms, wrapped around his waist and my head resting by his hips, I am fast asleep while his eyes are focused on his screen. The moment his fingers stop playing with my hair, my eyes open. I raise my head and look at the time on the clock by his bedside.

"Joongie, it's late.."

"I'm almost done, sorry babe. Do you want me to go to the living room so I can turn off the lights here?"

"They don't bother me." If anything, the room was really cozy right now. The dim warm lights, the window slightly cracked and just my Hongjoong. "I'm just glad you came home tonight." I say nuzzling myself back against his stomach this time.

"Mhh? Home?"


"You always said 'my place' or 'here', you never called it home for me." I can hear a little bit of amusement in his voice. I raise my head to look at him.

"Is it weird?"

"No, I love it~" He smiles and kisses the bridge of my nose, then the tip of it. "This is home." He sighs content and I give him a huge smile, giggling then going back to hugging his waist all happy.


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