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I was searching for resources in the nearby woods with my brother, Razor. He isn't really my brother, and if you're wondering how he is my 'brother', I shall tell you the whole story.

•   •   •

It was a rainy day and my parents had kicked me out because I was a 'waste of space' and a 'disappointment'. My shirt and pants had a lot of holes in them, it was cold. I was feeling tired and so I passed out in the middle of a muddy road. I woke up to see a worried face of a boy, he looked worried.

"Oh.. Awake?" He asked in a cute voice. I nodded and my head hurt immediately. "Ow!" "Don't move.., you, hurt," it looked like he didn't really know how to speak, or just didn't want to. "Sleep. Will get better," I listened to him and fell asleep.

The next thing I saw when I woke up, was wolves. They were dangerous, yes, but they also looked so cute at the same time. "Awake again?" The same boy asked. I nodded and this time nothing hurt.

"How did you heal me?" "Wolfhook," he answered showing me a small purple berry. "I'm Razor," "Oh, I'm Y/n," I said smiling at him. "Lupical," he said motioning to the wolves.

The wolves treated me like one of them. Razor was being very nice. If I was being honest, he was absolutely adorable. I taught him how to speak fluently, he did well, even though he sometimes forgot a word or two.

•   •   •

And that is basically my whole life story. It was pretty boring, but I have lived with Razor and our lupicals for about 10 years now. We came across many dangers, I didn't have a vision like Razor did, so he always had to save me from all kinds of creatures.

We were at the side of the woods, pretty close to Springvale. It was a peaceful day and we were picking up anything we were able to find. It could come in useful, so why not.

Razor always carried a Claymore with him, so I also had one. They were pretty heavy, but I got used to it. Razor said he had a few friends that also had visions. I only got to meet Bennett, but he was fun to be around. His 'bad luck' affected me most of the time, but at least Razor and Bennett were safe.

We went on many adventures together. There was a time you found a Ruin Hunter. They took it down pretty quickly, it was intriguing to watch, it felt like you were being pulled towards them to fight alongside them. Razor didn't let you fight, for your safety and health. You only had the Claymore for mining.

You mostly hung around lupicals or Bennett, sometimes even went to visit the 'King of the North'. He actually was really nice and gentle, despite his huge build. He was a spirit, but you still loved him.

Razor warned you to not stay around him for too long since there were Abyss mages, hilichurls, mitachurls, samachurls, and much more. You didn't see a point in his argument, because you had a 'King' next to you, but listened to him.

Sometimes you wandered off to somewhere while chasing butterflies or squirrels. Razor always came looking for you. He acted like the older one, despite him being 16 and you being 22. He was more experienced in the woods, so I guess he was older than you in a way. 

"Bennett! Are you okay?" You ran up to the injured boy. "I'm.. fine, just ran into a.. Ruin Guard," he answered still panting. We both laughed and continued talking until Razor came back from gathering meat. "Razor! Good to see you again," "Yes, good to see, Bennett," 

Then Bennett hugged Razor, and it was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. We hung out with him for a moment until the sun was starting to set. We promised to see each other again soon and left to go back. Most of our lupicals were already asleep, so I and Razor snuggled up and soon dozed off. 

•Next morning•

We went out of the woods as soon as we woke up. Razor had promised me to show some more of his friends. I was excited to meet them. He said I was guaranteed to see at least 4 of them.

We arrived in Mondstadt and went to a big grey building, in front of it stood 2 guards. "Knights of Favonius headquarters," "Oooh, it's big!" I said with sparkling eyes. Razor guided me inside through the big wooden door.

On the inside, I saw 4 doors, some lamps, and plants next to them. There were also some paintings and golden shields on the walls. The floor was checkered in white and brown, there was a carpet with a sign in the middle of it. 

"Oh, you're here Razor. Ah~, I see, you brought your sister along," a tall male with dark turquoise hair and an eye patch approached you. "Yes, this is Y/n," "Nice to meet you Y/n, my name is Kaeya, and I'm the Cavalry Captain," "Nice to meet you too," we greeted each other with smiles. 

"I should get going now, see you around," he said and turned around to turn the corner he came out of. The door opened and shut as a girl with dark brown hair and a red ribbon came into sight "Oh! You must be Y/n, right? I was waiting to see you!" "Oh, uhm, yes, I am. And you are..?" "Sorry, I'm Amber, the Outrider of the Knights of Favonius," she said enthusiastically with a lot of energy. "I bet you still want to meet the others, so I'll go back to what I was going to do, see you!" she smiled and ran up the stairs. 

"The others might be busy, it's the middle of the day," "I get it, thanks Razor," I said hugging him with a smile as he hugged back. 

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