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"Bye everyone, I hope to meet you again soon!" You smiled, looking back at the pack and waving before gleefully turning back around. Both of you took a few steps in silence. After a minute of walking, you turned around. But you couldn't see anyone in the distant fog.

Once again, you turned around just to be me by an arm blocking your path. "What's wrong?" You asked Diluc, only to be met with silence. You sighed, stopping your breathing once you heard some rustling behind you.

Before you could turn around, you felt unbearable pain in your stomach. You stood still, still not comprehending the situation, only hearing muffled voices behind you and seeing blurred light. You fell to your knees just seconds later, your eyes getting forcibly closed as you clutched your shirt.

You fell on your side, completely blacking out. The last thing you felt were arms around you, being lifted up and pain in your abdomen. There was nothing beyond that. No sense was available.


-In Mondstadt-

Lisa basically dragged Jean out of her office for the festival. You could see Jean's eyes light up after getting a look at the floral-themed decorations around town. Lisa chuckled at her workaholic friend.

People's faces lit up in excitement. Although their honorary knight has been away for a year, everyone was still capable of safely having fun at least once a year. They walked down the road, Jean waving to the former adventurers on her way.

"Good afternoon, Bennett, Fischl, Oz." Jean smiled their way, earning a different greeting from everyone. "Greetings." "Hello, ma'am!" "Good afternoon, miss Jean." As the group passed the duo.

Lisa only wanted Jean to forget her work and realize that there is much more to festivals than signing papers of consent. And it worked. Not only did Jean forget about her work, she appreciated the decor and the lively presence of everyone.

The next thing Jean knew, Lisa was talking to Marjorie, insisting to get her a special festival souvenir. To the knight's surprise, the librarian knew exactly what she had wanted for a while now.

"It's the novel you've been wanting to read, Shadow of the Moon by M. M. Kaye. Is that correct, darling?" "..Y-yes!" Jean replied a moment later, admiring the cover art. "Good. Now let's get you to the cathedral." Lisa chuckled.

-In the cathedral-

"Big sister!" Jean turned her head towards the voice of Barbara. "It's so great to see you here!" The younger nun pulled her sister into a hug. "Oh, and Miss Lisa!" Barbara said, pulling away from Jean.

"Is the ceremony for tomorrow ready?" Jean asked in a formal tone. "Yes, we just got finished! It's the first time having a wedding at a festival!" Barbara replied, basically with sparkles in her eyes. 

"I'm sure they'll be a wonderful couple, those two." Lisa reassured the sisters. "Now, it's the perfect time for you two to spend some sisterly time together. I know you've been wanting to get closer to Barbara." Lisa chuckled at Jean thanking her again. 

They were interrupted by a thud of the cathedral door. They all turned their heads towards the entrance to see Diluc, holding something covered by a blanket of sorts. He ran towards the trio. "I know it's a festival, happy days and all, but this is urgent." The redhead said in a hushed tone, starting to peel away the blanket.

Everyone froze, staring in shock at your blacked-out impaled body. Barbara was the first to react, this being not the first time something like that has happened. She moved her hand in a 'follow me' motion and ran towards the basement.

Diluc didn't spare a second, immediately running after the idol. Seeing as the staircase was narrow, he had to readjust your body, making you sit in his arms, back to chest. It didn't matter to him how he took you to help if it meant saving your life.

Once Diluc got downstairs with you, he saw beds spread around, some empty, some containing injured or sick citizens. Barbara was already next to a bed. The redhead ran towards it and gently placed you down sideways. 

Barbara took off the cloth from your body and immediately got to work, seeing how your state was in serious danger. The healer was pretty confident, knowing she had saved someone from this sort of situation already.

Diluc stayed behind for a moment, but he wasn't as mentally strong as he was physically. He turned around and left, his eyes averting to you for a split second before he walked up the stairs. Once he got out of the basement, none of the women were there.

Diluc sighed in relief, letting his muscles relax, and making his tears freely fall. He clutched onto his blood-stained shirt. This blood was yours, he knew it. He knew you might leave him, just like his father did.

But somewhere, there was a voice telling him everything will be okay. Diluc was thankful to have a moment to save your life. He didn't have that moment 4 years ago. His legs gave out and he slid down the wall near the entrance to the basement. 

His thoughts wandered around you and his dad. He promised himself to not let anyone get close to him on that same day his father died in front of his own eyes, in his own arms. He didn't want the same happening to anyone else.

But he knew that you had a chance of surviving. To that reassurance, he got up. He slowly walked towards the door, wiping his tears away. Once he was out of the cathedral, he ran. Ran back to the Dawn Winery he called home.

He knew you would still need to be in there for days, if not weeks or months. Scratch that, he couldn't handle it if you died in the same building he was in. He could notice his legs aching, but that didn't stop him.

Nothing mattered to him anymore. His bloodied clothes didn't matter. His stamina running out didn't matter. His work didn't matter. His reputation didn't matter. It was only you. Only you mattered, and he knew exactly why.

He can't lose you again.


My adhd brain loves to make me wrote stuff I don't remember layer lmao

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