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You wanted to disappear at that moment. But that's when you heard clapping and woo-ing from the tavern. "YOU GO, GIRL!" You heard someone shout and you smiled.

"THAT BASTARD DESERVES IT!" Another voice called out. You felt a big hand land on your shoulder. "Good job, honey." You heard Diluc's deep voice against your ear. You were about to turn around when you felt his hands snake around your waist and a soft kiss land on your cheek. 'What's happening? No idea, but I don't think I mind this. I'll put up with the act just for a while' you decided on the spot.

"I never want to see you here again. And don't you even dare touch my fiance. You're lucky I'm in a good mood today. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't even be alive by now." Diluc's hands were still around your waist as he put his head on your shoulder. Fiance??? A bit much, don't you think? It's not like you can do anything about it. It was just a temporary act anyways.

The man fell silent, knowing he fucked up. Diluc scoffed. "Can't even say anything? Pathetic. Guys like you really get on my nerves. Pay up and leave." The tavern once again raised their voices and applauded you both.

The guy only handed a pouch to Diluc and got up to leave, slamming the door in the process. "I told you, didn't I?" "But I did so well though." Diluc chuckled and placed an arm around your neck. 

You held onto his arm. "Thanks." You looked up to meet his garnet-like eyes and smiled. "You weren't so bad at standing up for yourself as well. Good job." He snaked his hand out of your grip and went back behind the bar as you followed. 

"You could've made it easier by just telling me earlier." "It's my fault, you told me to give them their drinks and walk away, but I stood around." "Don't blame yourself. You've never done this before, so it's alright." You both sat down.

An enjoyable silence fell over you before you asked a question. "But won't there be rumors of me being your fiance go around Mondstadt now?" Your innocent question made his cheeks flush pink. "It's fine. At least that crazy girl won't cling to me now. At least I hope she doesn't." Diluc sighed.

Your expression became puzzled, thinking about what Diluc said. That's when you heard someone. "Order upstairs!" You got your things and went up the stairs. "Hello! What would you like?" You asked the groups of 2 women and 2 men.

"2 apple cider, 1 red wine, and 1 wolfhook juice. Thanks, dear! You were so cool down there!" "Thank you, your orders will be right here." You picked up the glasses from their table and went back to Diluc. 

You placed the tray on the bar as he refilled them again. "Was this table better?" "Yeah, gotta love women for that." You chuckled as Diluc smiled at your remark. You watched his concentrated face and his well-skilled hands working on the requested drinks.

"Here are the drinks." You hummed and nodded at him, the tavern's mood clearly changed after that incident. It was a softer, more cheerful kind of atmosphere. You took the tray full of drinks and took it back to the table. 

"Here are your drinks, please enjoy your night!" You cheerfully said to them. "Thank you, dear. We're already enjoying tonight because of what happened earlier! You've got a strong mind!" The woman smiled at you, taking the drinks and passing them to everyone.

"Hope to see you here again soon!" A man finally spoke in a feminine voice. "Of course, I'll take shifts with Diluc. Have a good night!" You smiled at each other. You left and they continued to converse. 

"That was the best table." You slumped down in your seat. "Glad that one was pleasant. That group is an interesting one, I don't get to see them around much, but they sure make everything livelier." "Yeah, they seem really fun to be around! They're so supportive!" You talked to Diluc waiting for more orders.

That's basically how the night went. No more weird men hitting on you was the best part. You smiled as it was closing time, midnight. "Alright everyone, finish your drinks and leave! It's closing time!" Diluc shouted, walking over to a side room to change.

You watched people chug their drinks and place the cups and pay at a quick pace as they went out of the tavern in a line. You were surprised at how well they all did so, the tavern was empty by the time Diluc finished changing into his fancy attire. 

"Come over here." He invited you behind the bar. You went over and saw racks under the bar. They were all so organized. He handed you a white handkerchief and took a glass from the bar and started cleaning it.

You followed his movements. "You get the hang of things quickly. You could be useful in any job." You smiled at his motivating quote. "I guess I'm just glad I got to do something useful instead of staying in that room." 

"Is there anything wrong with the room assigned to you? I can change it." "No, no. It's lovely. I'm just an outside person. I thought you'd know that already!" You jokingly nudged his arm. "Of course, how could I not?" He continued his work.

"Do you think my pack is doing alright?" You asked, your smile fading. "I think they really miss you. Losing a part of family is hard and painful." Diluc's smile faded as well. "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault, we all have to say our goodbyes one day." The redhead smiled at you.

You nodded, seeing his point. You reached out to grab the last glass when your hand touched Diluc's large one. "I'll take this." He whispered to you and you put away the handkerchief. "You should go get changed. Or would you rather change at the winery?" Diluc spoke again.

"I like this dress though! Do I have to?" "You should, it belongs in the tavern. And a maid-like dress would get the actual maids confused. I advise you to change here. Just go over there." He pointed to the wall.

You obliged and searched for a door. You opened it up and left it open. It was perfectly okay, and you changed without problems. You hung the dress on the wall and left. "You ready to go?" Diluc asked, taking a ring of keys out of his pocket. "Yeah." You tiredly said and walked out, waiting for Diluc to lock up the tavern before heading back and falling asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow on your bed.



Wrote it at a party, forgot about it, found it when checking the 5th chapter, read it, shocked, stunned, speechless, dumbfounded. Absolutely adorable fluff at the end😭

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