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Finally, at the doors of Mondstadt's cathedral, Diluc stopped and fixed himself up before slowly entering. His original plan was to formally and slowly enter the basement, yet his emotions made him run toward you.

Diluc halted at the last step and looked right at the bed you were in. He walked up to Barbara who was sitting right next to you, staring down at your exposed stomach.  Barbara snapped out of her trance and stood up, explaining some things to Diluc.

He tried paying attention, but his only interest at that moment was the symbol on your stomach. "When will she wake up?" Diluc asked, cutting the girl off. "I can't say exactly when with her being visionless, it may take longer than a week. But for now, she's doing great." Diluc hummed to the information.

"If you'd like to, you can take her home, but you will need to give her medicine and fix the bandages." Diluc's eyes sparked a bit as he agreed. The next 20 minutes were spent watching the healer wrap your sewed-up stomach as well as writing down some needed medicine for your recovery.

"Also, when she wakes up I need her here immediately. It's just to check if there's anything else that she needs." Diluc nodded. He was about to lift you up when you moved in the bed. He stepped back as you opened your eyes.

You hissed, moving to sit up. You saw a blonde girl you've never seen guide you to lay back down. Diluc hunched over in pain, holding his stomach. The pain was so intense that you couldn't even feel emotions.

The girl finished bandaging you up and you got carried back home by Diluc. It doesn't matter how much you protested, saying you could walk fine by yourself and whatnot. He disagreed, slowly making his way to Dawn winery.

"You could at least hurry up, we don't have all day, I still have to train." You groaned, trying to move, gripping his arms. Instead, he positioned you to sit on his hands like a baby, your face stuffed in his chest. 

"You aren't training." He answered firmly, yet his voice sounded more concerned than anything. And why were you feeling guilty? sad? concerned? That was no mix of emotions you've had. And it sure was the last one you wanted to feel.

That really didn't matter to you right now. "I'm hungry." You grumbled, demanding food. Nicely. Diluc took a sharp turn and lifted up one arm, picking a fresh sunsettia off a tree. You reached your arms out in a quick motion, reaching for the fruit. 

Diluc smiled at the sight, holding your food as high as he could. "Give! I want!" You still tried reaching for the sunsettia in Diluc's hand. With no succession, you gave up and groaned, laying your head backward, gripping the redhead's neck to not fall off.

He chuckled and gave you the fruit, and you immediately bit into it and chewed it until it was nothing but seeds. Not enough to satisfy you, but you waited to go back just so Diluc could make you food.

You had to admit, you loved his cooking. You didn't even notice how you felt happy and giddy. That's a definite improvement in emotions. You relaxed a bit, hearing birds and smelling the fresh air.

Mondstadt was starting to feel like home. It was a lovely place, you felt actually welcome here. You never thought you could feel more welcome in the city than in the forest. You would love to bring Razor out to civilization, but you also didn't want to leave your lupicals.

You both loved them, you were raised by them. Sure, you would still visit them but it really wouldn't feel the same. Maybe you and Razor are more different than anyone would've thought. 

Your thoughts disappeared when Diluc laid you down on the sofa, going out to the kitchen to brew up some delicious food to satisfy your empty stomach. They say that the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, well that's definitely the way to yours, despite not being a man.

You giggled at yourself and lay still, patiently waiting for the food. If it involves food, you're down to do anything. Definitely, food is not only delicious, but it's also a source of living. More so to some people than others.


All you thought about was food until the actual food was ready. Diluc sat you down at the table. You had to say, you enjoyed the attention quite a bit. All you could say was "I really love you". DIluc looked shocked, before responding to you. "I love you too, my fire". He smiled as you giggled, happy that he felt the same.


After that day, you two were inseparable. Every fight ended in kisses, and every disagreement was gone after just a few minutes. You loved it. Your new life was perfect. It was more than you could ask for.

Your memory was back, you met up with your oldest friends, and even Razor decided to move into civilization. Everyone was so supportive, seeing how happy you two were together. Just a year and a bit later, you got married. It was one of the happiest days of your life.

The happiest years passed with Diluc, you loved it. You loved him.

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