Chapter 3 - Someone Who Loved Her

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I slept deeply that night; my body was almost as exhausted as my brain. I felt like I was entering a state of limbo – Carl now knew that I had meant something to him once, but he didn't know exactly what yet. I could tell him everything we did, all the things we talked about, every time we laughed, but I couldn't tell him what he thought of me or what I had meant to him because I didn't know that; no one knew that except Carl and his memories that were either buried or gone forever. I only know what he meant to me... I'd come to the conclusion that it was best to let Carl rediscover these things for himself.

I barely allowed myself the chance to eat breakfast before heading to the gardens.

On the way I saw Rick outside his house, I almost said hello until I realised Carl was there. He was sat on the step with Judith in his arms smiling at is dad who was trying to take their photo with an old polaroid camera. I swapped pavements immediately and picked up the pace as well.

'Don't look, don't look, don't look' I told myself, right before I glanced over at the boy.

He shot me that same sympathetic acquaintance smile; I couldn't bring myself to return one so I simply carried on walking. My body seemed to have healed and was ready for more hard labour, anyway.

I wasn't late to work this time, thanks to Maggie's watch, but she was already there when I arrived. I finished off the weeding for her and she showed me which parts of the plants to trim. It wasn't the most interesting of subjects but having to listen and take in information was as good a distraction as any. I waved goodbye to Rick and Daryl their truck drove past the gardens. They were leaving on their supply run and I silently envied them as I wiped the sweat from my brow.

Unfortunately, it turns out there's only so much work you can do in a vegetable garden and, once everything had been trimmed, watered and weeded, I was out of a job until tomorrow.

Come early afternoon we downed tools. Maggie thanked me and the other helpers for our hard work and suddenly I was strolling home.

What should I have for dinner? Should I draw when I get back? Maybe I could paint by the pond? These were the questions I asked myself to avoid thinking about Carl. I was doing pretty well until I heard the faint clanging of metal behind a row of houses. Of course, my curiosity got the better of me; I snuck behind the houses just in time to see a starless sheriff hat disappearing over the other side of the wall.

"Carl?" I whispered so as not to draw attention to the taboo act currently being committed. I was too far away, and the boy didn't hear me. I approached and heard the thud of boots on the other side. I reached the metal struts and hissed his name again, but he'd already run into the forest, the sound of rustling leaves growing distant from behind the wall. 

What the hell was he thinking? He's been awake for no more than five days, he's minus an eye – why is he running off into the zombie infested forest?

Without a second thought, I swung a foot up and began to climb. I was running after him before my feet could even touch the ground on the other side. I wasn't a great tracker; I'd never needed to find someone before, if I saw a boot print or any signs at all of other humans I'd turn in the opposite direction. I did my best to follow the upturned leaves and disturbed forest mulch but after a few minutes, I could safely say I'd lost him.

I was panting rapidly by the time I stopped running and admitted defeat. It turns out, my body hadn't healed after yesterday at all – every muscle and bone ached... I leant up against a large, gnarly looking tree and butted my head back against the bark. I stayed there for a few moments, desperately trying to catch my breath before any walkers showed up. I'd have to either run or fight – I wore my belt with my athame and the kitchen knife strapped to it, but my pack and sheet were back in Alexandria. There would be no avoiding a herd if I ran into one...

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