Chapter 17 - How Will You Decide?

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No, don't be stupid, I didn't want that. 

I can't think like this, not now... not when Carl's outside and Alexandria needs the supplies...

The only way out now is to win...

I swallowed, thickly, trying my best to mask the distain I felt for myself and the dread at the thought of what the next hour or so could bring...

"My, my, I wonder..." I breathed. I rubbed my shoulders and the straps of my tank top fell... the bra I'd unknowingly chosen that morning was black and plain but thin and tight. The whites of the men's eyes each flashed across their faces. "How are the five of you going to settle this?".

The man with the machete swallowed, his eyes now locked unwaveringly onto my cleavage.

"Settle what?" he asked, his gruff voice shaking slightly.

I smiled and began walking towards them, my hips swayed from side to side as went, my hair brushing the tops of my breasts as I shrugged my tank top off. I walked right through the line of men and stopped in front of the sofa. I glanced unnoticeably through the door to my left and saw the stairs; that's where I needed to lead them... all of them...

I turned to look at them now, their faces gawking at me, their mouths wide open too.

"To settle which one of you gets to go first, of course" I said with a slight giggle. The five men all quickly glanced at one another, the grip on their weapons growing looser by the second, their aim wavering with every movement of my body, every word from my mouth. I was able to reach a hand behind my back without any of them flinching. I made eye contact with each one, making sure all their attention was on me. I quickly found the fastening of my bra and pinched hard. There was a twang that sounded like a pin dropping in a silent room...

My bra slid to the floor and a chill blew over my bare nipples. They quickly grew erect and there was a singular gasp from the line of men before me, though from which one I did not know.

Then came a chorus of clicks; the sound of each gun's safety being flipped on.

I had them... now, all I needed to do was start walking through that door and up those stairs...

I was about to take the first step when a hot and rough hand grabbed my breast; it was so sudden it almost knocked me back. The feel of it repulsed me and I realised how much I'd been hoping not to feel this again. A second hand grabbed at my other breast and began massaging it. The other three men looked embarrassed but couldn't seem to quite bring themselves to look away.

Up until this very moment, I thought I could do this. Why would I doubt myself? I'd done this sort of thing before; I could remember all the times I'd manipulated and seduced people in order to get what I'd wanted, to where I'd wanted. And I'd felt so numb lately, so distant and ethereal, I thought I could go through all the motions and simply detach myself from it.

But something felt different now, I just couldn't quite figure out what or why...

I looked past the group of men that encircled me, whose hands were molesting a body that didn't feel like my own anymore. I found myself staring into an incredibly icy and sky-blue eye; Carl stood hesitantly behind the glass of the door. His expression was taught and unreadable as he witnessed the sight before him.

This wasn't part of the plan; he wasn't supposed to see any of this...

A strong self-loathing seemed to choke me, and I could no longer look at him or the men surrounding me. I closed my eyes and found myself sinking slowly to the floor, partly due to the sudden lack of strength in my muscles partly due to the pressure coming from the men's grip on me.

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