Chapter 24 - That Sound

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After taking down a stray walker, we made it to the garage and began trying each key in the side door. The sun had begun to set now, its light glaring off the window in the door and turning the gravel around us orange.

Eventually, with about six keys out of thirty-odd left to try, a long shiny one fit and turned like butter in the lock.

Inside was pitch black. I remember, before the electricity went out, the whole garage lit up automatically when the door opened. Whatever had been powering the automated systems mustn't be working anymore. It was a good thing, it meant no alarms sounded.

Luckily, I carried a torch in my pack and Carl had a small camper's lamp too, both were able to light the place up just enough so as we could find our way to one of the three giant garage doors. I turned the locks and unbolted the bolts and Carl and I pushed with all out might to lift its heavy metal that had once been remotely controlled.

The light of the setting sun flooded the whole garage and a sound of awe elicited from Carl's mouth.

There were three cars sitting perfectly in a row. One was a Rolls-Royce - my uncle only drove that one on special occasions. In the middle was a Range Rover Sport in pure black – that was his get around car, the one he'd use to pick us up from the airport or take us on days out. And the last car on the end, his pride and joy, the one that was only for show, was a bright red Ferrari.

"No way..." Carl breathed as he gawked at all three cars, but ultimately edged closer to the Ferrari. It was covered in dust and Carl used the sleeve of his flannel to wipe a section clean, uncovering its bright red paint job underneath.

I walked over to bonnet and brushed a gentle finger down the windowpane.

"This feels so wrong" I laughed.

"Why?" Carl asked, not taking his eye of the car.

"My uncle wouldn't even let anyone touch this thing and now here we are..." I mused, pulling the door handle, hoping one thing could go right, hoping it was open. The door lifted upwards and I smiled gleefully. I lent inside and opened the glove box. A pair of shiny car keys glinted at me from inside and I plucked them out. "... here we are about to sit inside it and rev the engine" I finished, tossing the keys to Carl whose face lit up like a firework.

He carefully but quickly opened the other door and fell into the driver's seat". I joined him inside, shutting both doors behind us.

I breathed deep; it still smelt of leather and new car... it was as if time had almost stood still in this garage while the rest of the world fell to pieces...

Carl immediately shoved the keys in but took his time turning them as if anxious it may not start. There was a slight stall before the engine seemed to purr happily.

Carl laughed with excitement, his eye glistening with glee. He put his foot on the pedal and the car growled beneath us, it's engine shuddering with power.

I hoped to whatever divinities may exist out there, that my uncle, wherever he was, couldn't see us now; I feared he may turn in his grave... he certainly would if he knew of my intentions for this car...

After another rev, Carl stopped and turned off the engine. I thought he was just being cautious, not wanting to attract walkers with the sound, but, when I looked over at him, he was frowning.

"What's wrong?" I asked and turned my body to face him a little.

"This is the something special you're thinking of handing over to Negan, isn't it?" he asked, glancing suspiciously at me out of the corner of his eye.

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