Chapter 16 - You're The Condition

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The next morning, I woke to the sound of the alarm clock that Maggie had given to me. The sun had just begun to rise above the trees, and I took a moment to let my eyes adjust to its light. I thought about what the events of the day might bring, that is, if Carl had even agreed to pair up with me or whether I'd be going with someone else; Aaron perhaps? And if he had agreed, exactly how awkward would it be? I hadn't seen him since that day, in the forest, when he and I...

I screwed my eyes shut, refusing to recall any of it lest my cheeks flare red. With that, I jumped out of bed and into the shower. The wound-like bruises along my trapezius muscles had gone down fairly quickly so there was no need to dress them afterwards. I donned my toughest clothing; my leather jacket, jeans, anything that looked as if it would hold up against a set of teeth... I strapped on my belt and ruck sack, both of which I'd fully restocked. I didn't know exactly where I would be scavenging from today, but I could be sure it wouldn't be anywhere I usually wandered; I needed to be prepared for anything.

I stepped outside and began making my way towards Alexandria's entrance. Michonne hadn't said precisely where to congregate but I figured that, because we were taking a car, there'd at least be someone to ask by the line-up of vehicles that lived by the gates.

I rounded the corner gingerly, not really knowing what to expect. The sun had only just reached the chain link lining on the gate, its dull and rusted metal refusing to shine or even catch the light. A row of parked cars lined the wall beside it as they usually did. The people of Alexandria milled around their metal bodies but sombrely; each face bore a certain glum expression. To be fair, even in the past no one was ever particularly thrilled to go on runs but there'd always be a certain attitude as they readied themselves for whatever was out there; like how a runner might psych themselves up for a race or a singer may battle stage fright before a concert. There was drive, ambition, in a persons eyes, that want to get through the bad and reach the prize at the end. Now, there was no sign of this because nothing was good about handing over the prize to Negan...

There was an empty red car up front, its doors wide open and several guns lay on the seats as if whomever had left the vehicle would be back soon. Rosita and Spencer seemed to be exchanging firearms next to a jeep behind the red car while Eugene pointed out something on a map to them. Aaron and Eric spoke quietly to each other in the front seats of the next car and I wondered suddenly how they were. Last time I'd seen Aaron he'd clearly been affected by the events of that night...

I should go and talk to them, check in and see how they're doing, I thought... 

I made to walk over. I was only a few metres away when an incredibly deep voice came from behind me

"We're over here" Carl said blankly, as he walked past, a bright red petrol can in his hand. 

I came to a sudden stop, my body tensing in his presence. I glanced over at where he was headed and saw the blue pick-up truck parked at the end. Rick stood by its rear and opened up the petrol door for Carl.

"Glad you came" said a quiet and low voice beside me. Michonne stood with an identical red can in her hand.

I nodded to her, awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond. She gestured to Rick, who nodded and said his goodbyes to his son by grabbing his head, his thick locks tumbling around his shoulders, and kissing him roughly on the forehead. 

Carl didn't push him away, but he did roll his eye slightly.

Rick hurried over to Michonne with a small nod to me and a look in his eyes that said 'be careful'. I wondered how much he approved of letting his only son go out there without him and how much his decision had been influenced by fear of needing as many supplies as possible for Negan...

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