Chapter 19 - If You Want To...

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I hadn't slept this well in a while, I thought as I began to regain my consciousness the next morning. My sleep had been deep and untroubled, and my mind was at ease, at least for the time being. Though My body was stiff and a little achy here and there; after all, Carl's bed was only a single... obviously.

As I squinted in the sunlight, I became more aware of my surroundings. I realised I was resting on Carl's stomach, my head slowly and methodically moving to his breathing. His limbs resembled that of a starfish; one arm was swathed over my back, the other reaching out and dangling off the edge of the bed. One leg hung off the same edge while the other reach down towards the footboard. My own legs tangled around his thigh, like a koala around a tree. I was almost bent double, but I didn't mind - I was happy.

For a long while, I lay there. I listened to Carl's deep and sleepy breaths, confident that when he released one his lungs would suck another in straight after. I revelled in the closeness, his arm around me and mine draped across his stomach. The covers had scrunched up at the bottom of the bed sometime during the night and left our bodies clothed but bare. His thin T-shirt had begun to ride up slightly and his sharp pale hip bone peeked out just above his boxers...

Before I could spend any more time thinking about Carl's boxers, a dreadful whining noise came from outside. It wasn't too loud but loud enough to wake Carl.

I knew what it was, I'd heard it countless times before and it only got worse as time passed and the rust ate further in to the hinges of the gate.

Carl propped himself up on his elbows with a start. He looked rather adorable, quite a contrast to the hardened boy soldier I was used to. His hair was scruffier than ever, his bandage partly undone and wonky. His half-closed eye stared out of the window, a puzzled look on his face, as if he were still half asleep.

"What's up?" I asked, softly.

"That noise..." he said, his voice rough and deep.

"It's just the gate, probably someone going on a supply run" I surmised but Carl didn't seem to relax, the muscles in his stomach were tense underneath my palm.

"There's no runs scheduled for today" he replied, shaking his head, his brows only knitting further together. I wondered briefly how he knew this and then I remembered he was the leader's son...

Carl stepped hastily out of bed and hurried over to the window.

"Carl?" I sat up and pulled the covers up to my chest. I suddenly felt that heavy, uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Negan said a week..." Carl spoke through gritted teeth, his gaze refusing to stray from the site beyond the window "...he's early".

"W-what?" I stuttered. 

I hurried to join Carl at the window. It wasn't the best view but just beyond the roof tops of Alexandria was the gate; it was wide open. Between the houses I saw glimpses of the Saviours. They all seemed to have a certain look about them – thuggish and arrogant. There were lots of them, each armed heavily. Some military grade trucks and jeeps were parked just outside... I supposed they needed something to haul our stuff back to their camp with. 

My stomach churned. "Shit" I breathed.

Carl didn't respond. His hands began to ball into fists at his sides and his nostrils had started to flair in anger. I made to place my hand on is shoulder, but he moved away before I could even touch him.

He strode over to the chest of drawers without a word and began pulling out various items of clothing.

"What are you doing?" I asked, turning my back to the window.

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