Epilogue - No More Pretending

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I opened my eyes.

The camper's lamp that still hung on the handle above the window had begun to flicker and dull; the batteries were running out.

I rolled over, wondering what time it was, whether it was still the middle of the night or if morning had finally come. The garages thick and windowless walls gave nothing away. My back ached and I began stretching out across the expanse of the range rovers boot space.

I reached for Carl, my fingers clutching at the slightly scratchy sheet that I lay on; it was cold, bodiless and empty...

My eyes shot open. My vision was still blurred with sleep, but I began looking around in a panicked urgency for the boy in the sheriff hat.

"Carl?" my voice broke the silence.

But there was no answer, no response, nothing.

I scrambled to the hatch of the boot and was about to pull it open when something bright and white caught my eye. It was a piece of paper jammed into the handle of the boot.

I plucked it out and unfurled it in a daze, my tired and sleepy eyes squinting at the scribbled words inside:

No more pretending.

Im going to fix this, just like I promised.

-Carl x

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