Chapter 6 The Band

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Warning: drugs are mentioned briefly.

The world goes round and round. Friends
Give my life it's meaning, I keep singing, nice and loud.

I dont know why I stayed with them so long. Well, I guess I do. While Ricky was a lying jerk, he was also still the same guy I'd met the day before. Kind, simple, and funny. As for His girlfriend, she was probably the most perfect girl I'd ever met, and not in the way you'd think. She was far from being arrogant of her good nature.

Then there was Jake, the drummer, who at first sight seemed like he might be more on the hardcore side. That assumption would be wrong. I'd never seen a more outgoing, friendly guy in my life. He was very proud of his tattoos, and even made me touch one; a unicorn with a fish's tail.

I was actually having fun with him. This was where I was at that moment. Having a very (pleasent and unheated,) argument about whether or not marijuana should be lagal everywhere. He surprising took the stance that it shouldn't be.

"My brother smokes constantly." He said gruffly, waving a finger in the air to make his point. "I can't stand the stuff "

"But just because it's made illegal, doesn't mean anyone would stop smoking. Hard core drugs are illgal, and yet here we are! Still having major drug problems."

"It may be worse though, if it's legal."

"Maybe. With hard drugs that's understandable. But marjuana is virtually harmless."

"It's not harmless. It makes you dumb in the head! My brother is an idiot."

"My bestie smokes." I said with a shrug. "She's hardworking and really smart."

"Fine, agree to disagree then." He threw back his thick head and laughed.

"Finally." Ricky smiled hugley. "You've been boring us with that argument forever."

"Sorry." I snapped back at him, forcing a smile to disgusie the fact I'd nearly lost my temper. Again. We'd been sitting up to the same table since after their performance. While the other few singers had gone on, we'd all instantly began talking quietly, making all the introductions, and affirming Me into their little group for the evening. Aunt Marcy too had hung out for a while, until she was too tired and had to leave. I went to go with her, but Gabi begged me to stay. So, I was getting a cab home. Anything to make my new friend happy. She was just sweet not to.

As for Ricky, everytime he spoke to me, I all but bit his head off. Maybe he didn't deserve that, but once I was pissed off, I stayed pissed off until apologises were made.

"Hey, Lauren? How'd you and Ricky meet anyway? You didn't explain before?" Landon asked, his gaze curious.

I hadn't. After they'd finished their set, and I'd mentioned I knew him, Aunt Marcy had aproached full of her eccentric self, and the attention on me was entirely lost
This group was mostly made up of the male speices and my Aunt Lauren was, well, a desirable to the majority of them.

"Oh." I frowned, thinking quickly. "We were at the Rose' Expresso place, that specializes in using real rose oil and stuff. It's only a few blocks from here. He gave me his table, because there were no others."

"Really? You didn't tell me!" Gabi smacked Ricky's arm. He just grinned softly, staring at his hands, and was that guilt I finally detected? He should be guilty. Very guilty.

"What a gentleman." Gabi sighed. "He's like that sometimes."

"I got her number too." Ricky said, meeting Gabi's eyes. "She said she was new in town, so I figured we could all meet up, and hang out sometimes. Happened sooner than I expected..."

"Yeah, what a small world!" Gabi gushed. "To meet yesterday, and then end up at the same coffee shop again! Two different shops. And for me to meet Lauren in the bathroom before! So I could be her friend too! It's simply destiny. Lauren is meant to be our friend. Don't you boys agree?"

They all mumbled their agreements.

"I'm chill, even if she is arumentive." Said Jake with a crooked smile.

"Yeah, you seem pretty cool." Said Landon. "My brother agrees. He just doesn't like to talk much." Landon nudged Rip, the bright red headed boys shoulder. Rip glared back, and nodded at me. "Yeah, you seem cool." He blushed and looked at his hands, confirming my theory that his quietness had more to do with a shy nature then simply not wishing to converse with me.

"Thank you guys. I'm happy to be excepted. Friends are definitly important. And I didn't realize you were brothers!" I looked at Landon and Rip.

Landon grinned, and nodded. "Yeah, he's my little bro. Can't you tell?"

I examined them both closer, and realize they did in fact look a lot alike. Landon's hair was obviously a normal color, but other than that, they had the same skinny torso, long legs, big brown eyes, and soft smiles.

They had their differences too, of course, one being Landon wore glasses, but they were still clearly related, at least.

"I guess I can now." I laughed.

Landon smiled at me warmly.

Just then, a middle aged waitress with the biggest butt I'd ever seen aproached us, looking borderline annoyed. "sorry to distrupt, but we close in five minutes."

I looked up, realizing we were in fact the only ones left in the shop. I grinned sheepishly at her, as we all mumbled apologized and prepared to leave. Id worked at a Wendy's once as a dining room closer. Late to leave guest were the WORST. I felt bad...

We all stood, and I pulled out my phone to call a cab.

"Oh let us drive you home." Said Gabi, her hands in a prayer position. "We aren't strangers anymore, so it's a perfectly fine offer, right? It would save you money! And Ricky has the coolest car. Just payed off!"

I finally nodded, with a sigh. It would be nice, to not have to wait outside for a cab.

I felt uncomfortble at first, climbing into Ricky's nice white Honda, but quickly Gabi's quick chatter melted my anxiety away. Man that girl could talk!

She went on for a little while, and than suddenly without warning she fell asleep in the front seat. We were only minutes from home.

Ricky sighed. "She wears herself really easy. I tell her to slow down, but she never listens..."

I chuckled. She seemed like that. Very energetic. "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? Not sure if you knew this, but I was kind of... Well, it doesn't matter now." I blushed, but lukcily it was to dark for him to see me in the rearview mirror.

"Sorry." He sighed deeply. "I have no idea why I didn't. I tried to, and trust me I never would have let anything happen... I just... I don't know. I'm sorry, Lauren. I really am. Please don't ever tell her. I do love her, and the thought of hurting her at all sucks so bad."

I slowly nodded, finally forgiving him, (mostly.) It wasn't exactly okay... But at least he'd aknoledged that fact. I could work with that. We could still be friends. Maybe even good friends.

"Okay, I forgive you. But to make it up to me, you have to keep me in your contacts. I want invites to things. I want to see you, Gabi and the guys every chance I get. I need that. I need friends... Distractions "

"I know what you mean..." He sighed. "I'll make sure you are noteafied. And Lauren? It was really cool seeing you tonight."

I nodded, smiling faintly, as we finally pulled up outside my apartment building.

"I'll see you later, Loser." I laughed, climbing out, and waving to both of them, even though Gabi was still out cold.

Friends, what a good feeling! I was gonna love it here. I just knew it.

With that thought, I dashed away happily.

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