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A cloaked figure darted between trees in the Whispering Woods, looking over its shoulder every now and then. Lightning flashed, and the raging storm was dumping buckets of water on the Woods and nearby areas. A falling branch made a tear in the cloak, and the figure swore before continuing on. 

Eventually it came to a long-forgotten First Ones ruin, one that not even She-Ra or Madame Razz knew about. It pressed a button on a censor and scanned its eye, before a secret door opened and it could enter, stamping its feet to dry them. 

"About time," drawled a voice from the shadows. A purple person with navy blue bird like features stepped out, smirking as she examined the figure. "You look like you're soaked to the bone." She reached out and touched the rip in the cloak, fingering the fabric. 

The cloaked figure jerked away. "I'm not in the mood for pleasantries, Mia." It pulled a bag out from under the cloak, handing it to her. "Just be glad I had a waterproof bag." 

Mia took the bag, and opened it up, whistling appreciatively at the assortment of tech inside. "You did good today." 

"Don't I always?" It snapped, pulling out a small pouch as well. "Besides, this is what you should be impressed by." 

Mia removed the pouch's contents and laughed outright. "You got her recorder?!" She exclaimed in disbelief. 

"Don't sound so shocked. But yes, I did, and no, it wasn't easy." The one in the cloak said. "Not like it was to get that statue." 

Mia groaned. "That was one time. One.

Another person came out from the shadows, this time with cat features. "You guys get on each other's nerves like you're siblings!" He smirked and flicked his white-tipped black tail. "Oh, wait." 

The cloaked figure sighed. "I had better go. I need to help prepare. I have a busy next couple of days." 

"Prepare for what?" Asked Mia. 

The cat person rolled his eyes. "The party that the princesses are throwing to celebrate finally fixing all the kingdoms and making progress on Beast Island." He nodded towards the cloaked figure. "Come on, Mia. Someone's been talking about it for a month now." 

The cloaked figure laughed and opened the door. "See you guys there." 

The two waved as the figure departed, and it turned back to look at the seemingly-abandoned ruin once. The storm, increasing in intensity, managed to grab hold of the cloak's hood and yank it back for a second before the figure pulled it back. As lightning flashed and the rain fell, for a split second the most curious violet eyes with marigold-orange rings in the center were visible. 

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