Chapter Nine

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There was only two hours left until the ball, and Glimmer, Mermista, Perfuma, and Netossa were combing through Bright Moon. They were hunting for Frosta, Adora, Catra, and Scorpia, though Bow and Sea Hawk had wisely chosen to disappear into the Woods to get ready. 

Adora and Catra were especially determined not to be found after they'd already been put through a torturous preplanning session for the makeover, and were sick of dresses, makeup, and glitter. So. Much. Glitter. 

Unfortunately, Frosta's new friends accidentally gave the hiding spots of all but Scorpia, who was under a bush in the gardens, away. The three apologized profusely as Catra and Frosta thrashed, and Adora shouted her forgiveness at them as she was dragged off. 

Spinnerella had elected to remain neutral in this, and sat with Entrapta at the edge of the room where Catra was insisting she could choose her own clothes and brush her own hair. Perfuma laughed and said, "Oh, enough of that. We are going to do this whether you like it or not, and we are all going to have fun- including you!" 

After that hissing, splashing, and giggling sounds ensued, with a pause in the middle where Glimmer teleported when Emily started beeping loudly outside. She returned with Scorpia, who, though flushed, was much calmer than the others. 

One hour later they had finished. Adora was wearing a gold-accented red suit with her hair in a braid, and a crown on her head similar to the one that appeared when she was She-Ra. 

Catra was wearing a suit similar to the one she wore at Princess Prom, except it and the accompanying fingerless gloves were dark blue. A shimmery substance rained from her hair when she moved, and she kept sneezing. 

Frosta was wearing a light blue romper, and half her hair was pinned back. Snowflake patterning shimmered all over it, and anyone who looked at her was momentarily struck by how much she'd grown though the war. It was a bit of a start to realize that while she still sometimes acted younger, Frosta was indeed a young teenager now. 

Scorpia was looking stunning in an adaptation of the evening gown she'd worn when they went to find Peekablue. It came down to her knees in the front, reached down to midcalf in the back, and was ruffled at the bottom hem. Small flecks of glitter dotted the whole thing, so it looked like she was wearing the night sky. 

Spinnerella and Entrapta clapped when they saw the final results, though Entrapta had a bit of an absent look on her face, like she was lost in thought. While Mermista, Glimmer, Perfuma, and Netossa got themselves ready she grew fidgety, until she finally went over to Scorpia and sat beside her. She fiddled with the end of her ponytail a little bit self consciously, and then, in one quick burst, said "Can you guys please help me choose an outfit for the ball?" 

Somewhat surprised silence fell, and Entrapta was wondering if she had said something wrong when several pairs of arms wrapped around her, and she heard Glimmer's slightly muffled voice saying "Of course we will!", and murmured agreements from the other princesses. Then she was swept up in a storm of dresses and suits and sparkles- though Spinnerella and Scorpia made sure the others were careful not to overwhelm her. 

They quickly ruled out any dresses or skirts, considering how that would require her to remain with her feet on the ground and was found to be much too restricting. Eventually, with only thirteen minutes until the ball would start, they finished. 

Entrapta was wearing light creamish-purple overalls, a slightly darker shirt, and gloves that matched her eyes. Her bow tie also matched her eyes, and her boots, which were the same shade as her shirt, also had red accents. She had a cape on, and one side was slightly darker than the other. Perfuma had used an organic dye to give her a couple streaks in her hair, which also matched her eyes. All in all, it may have been the most she'd ever dressed up- after all, she'd previously only gone to parties for the social experiment. 

The women started walking downstairs, Adora and Catra hand in hand, as well as Perfuma and Scorpia- and of course Spinnerella and Netossa. When they rounded the corner on the staircase they saw Bow, Sea Hawk, Emily, Imp, and... Hordak... waiting. Hordak stood off to the side with an awkward look on his face, though he noticeably perked up a bit when he saw Entrapta. 

The women were ready for an elegant, dramatic descent to show off all the work they (particularly Glimmer, Perfuma, Netossa, and Mermista) put into all of their appearances- when Catra, Frosta, and Entrapta hopped on the banisters and slid down, yelling at the top of their lungs. Melog bounded down the stairs after them, and, after a heartbeat of startled silence, Scorpia slid down as well. All- except Hordak- that witnessed it doubled over laughing, though the former leader of the Horde did have an amused expression on his face. 

Perfuma and Adora slid down after their girlfriends, though the others opted to walk down like normal people. Sea Hawk wrapped his arm around Mermista's shoulders and said something that made her flush, but she smiled all the same. Bow kissed Glimmer on the cheek, and offered her his arm. She took it, and they both smiled. 

Entrapta went straight to Hordak, her cheeks a bit flushed. He stammered a bit before he cleared his throat and said something that made her laugh. He smiled, and his ears lowered a bit. Adora whispered something in Catra's ear, and the feline did a double take, surveying Entrapta and Hordak again. Neither the alien nor the pigtailed princess noticed, though, and they all started walking to the gardens. 

As they got closer, Hordak became noticeably anxious about seeing so many people, many of whom had bad memories of him. Entrapta squeezed his arm, and he took some deep breaths. The purple haired princess wasn't entirely calm either, though. The other princesses had forgiven her, but people had never been the kindest to her even before she joined the Horde. In the past months especially, people had proven to her in seemingly little- but alarmingly frequent- instances that they did not forget easily. 

Scorpia saw this and, after sharing a look with Perfuma, both women moved to stand next to Entrapta. Catra and Adora stood on the other side of Hordak, and so did Bow and Glimmer. Mermista and Sea Hawk stood on the other side with Perfuma and Scorpia, and although the only ones who didn't look slightly uncomfortable were Bow and Scorpia, a tear came to Entrapta's eye. She wiped it away quickly, and smiled at Scorpia. The lightning princess smiled back, and the group stepped past the last hedge into the beginnings of the party. 

I drew Entrapta's outfit! (If you haven't noticed already, I am most definitely biased towards her. She is by far my favorite character- unless you count DT. Then it's a tie.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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