Chapter Three

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Aaro left the docks, wishing that he was in Mia's shoes- not literally, though. The last time she'd washed those things was never. No, he wanted to be the one crossing the open ocean, with wind in his fur and the tang of salt on the air. Of course, he didn't envy her task- going to Beast Island of all places, to monitor the happenings there before the ball? With Entrapta, a shapeshifter, former Horde soldiers and the likes on the loose? NOT his idea of fun. 

Now, the idea of causing chaos among them was appealing, but with them all staying on that forsaken place they could get into plenty of trouble on their own. Besides, some of the people there were downright scary. Aaro flicked his black-tipped white ears to shoo away a pesky mosquito. The annoying creature persisted with its incessant whining noise, intent on sucking his blood. 

He sighed, shook his head, and was making for a local restaurant to grab a bite to eat before he headed out when he crashed into someone. He fell and hit the ground hard, seeing stars. 

"Whoa, there! Are you alright, friend?" came a voice, and Aaro looked up to see Sea Hawk looming over him, offering the cat-person a hand to help him up. 

Aaro shook his head to clear it, and the last of the stars vanished. He gladly accepted the help, and brushed off his shirt once he stood. The pirate grinned at him, and said, "I didn't see you there!" 

Aaro laughed. "I guess we should both watch where we're going!" 

Mermista came up next to Sea Hawk, and asked him, "Are you done yet?" She noticed Aaro and looked at him. "Oh, hey." She looked back at Sea Hawk. "Who's your friend?" 

"This is..." Sea Hawk began, but he trailed off when he remembered that he didn't know his new acquaintance's name. 

Aaro flashed a grin. "Aaro." Even though he already knew who they were, he proceeded to ask "And you are?" 

"I'm SEA HAWK!" He exclaimed, smiling broadly and getting that look in his eye he always had before he set a boat on fire. 

"I'm Mermista," she said- much more calmly than Sea Hawk. She glanced back at him warily. "Sea Hawk, NO-" 

Sea Hawk draped an arm around Aaro's shoulders. "Say, how do you feel about a little ADVENTURE?" 

Mermista dragged her hands down her face, groaning. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhh." 

"What kind of adventure?" He asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 

Sea Hawk looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Fire." 

Aaro and Sea Hawk both grinned. 

Mermista pulled out a communication pad. "Yeah, that's a no." She quickly called Glimmer, and the queen picked up after a second. The boys stared at her, not understanding what she was doing. 

"Hey Mermista. What's up?" Glimmer asked, glancing over her shoulder at something. 

"'What's up' is that I need you to come teleport me and Sea Hawk out of here before he sets the harbor on fire with his new friend," Mermista said, turning around the device so Glimmer could see Sea Hawk and Aaro. They both waved at her, trying their best to look innocent. 

The queen of Bright Moon teleported as she mumbled something, appearing next to them and putting a hand on Mermista and Sea Hawk. Sea Hawk had just enough time to say "Farewell, Aar-" before she teleported them to Salineas. 

Aaro stopped smiling and pulled what he'd taken from Sea Hawk out of his pocket. He examined the piece of paper, memorizing every detail- just to be on the safe side- before he stuck it in his boot. Then, whistling a somber tune, he set off, pulling out his own communicator pad and sending an update. 

"I've got it. Hellion's tip was spot-on. Sending rest of team necessary info." 

He paused, then added "Targets suspected nothing. Hoodlum is en route to destination. All is going according to plan." 

Dun dun dunnnnnnn! This is a shorter chapter, but I thought I'd give y'all a glimpse into what's going to happen in the next couple updates. 

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