Chapter Seven

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Several hours later, when everyone was disembarking from the transport, Entrapta ran to say hello to Scorpia. Standing next to her was Perfuma, who had been a lifesaver by helping get both of their schedules clear to come see Entrapta. Hordak also departed the vessel quickly, but only because he abhorred being on boats, and would never have made the journey if it weren't for Entrapta. He stood off to the side, giving their greeters a small, awkward nod. Perfuma gave him a slightly strained smile in return, and Scorpia was already chattering with Entrapta. The pigtailed princess was describing something that had happened while he was belowdecks vomiting, and Scorpia and Perfuma gasped. 

"They really did that?!" Scorpia asked loudly. Entrapta nodded, gesturing with her hair. 

Perfuma had a worried look on her face, and as Hordak strode closer to them he could hear her say "That seems to be a bit out of character for them. I hope they're okay."

Hordak trailed behind the three women as they all walked to the vehicle that would take them to Bright Moon- by land, thank goodness. His stomach was still churning. 


Sea Hawk sat down in relief. Mermista had tracked down Huntara, and Huntara had passed whatever info was in the letter on to Glimmer. He was off the hook- this time. Mermista was not pleased, but he'd managed to wriggle his way out of being in serious trouble. He very likely wouldn't be so lucky next time, but for now he was good. He restrained from flashing his signature grin when Mermista came in, knowing it would only get on her nerves. 

She rolled her eyes at the face he made instead, biting his lip and scrunching his face so as not to aggravate her. After a second she shook her head, a smile came to her face, and she said "Stop that, you goober." 

Sea Hawk broke out into the grin he'd been suppressing and, unable to resist, began a shanty. "Ohhhhhhh-" 

He was instantly splashed in the face by a small wave of water. "Yeah, no. Too much." 


Adora was walking to the War Room at Bright Moon when Catra came barreling from that direction with Melog at her side, both of them with fur spiked. "Run!" Catra yelled to Adora, shoving her girlfriend in front of her. They both took off down the halls, Adora completely confused and alarmed. "What is it?" 

Catra glanced over her shoulder, panting. Melog ran beside them, fur spiked and red. "It's Sparkles and Netossa," she said between breaths. "When I walked in they were talking about giving us makeovers for the ball. Then they saw me, and Netossa pulled out the spray bottle!" 

Adora stopped. "We're running from a spray bottle?" 

Catra grabbed her shoulders, and looked her in the eyes. "Makeovers, Adora. Makeovers." 

Her words sank in, and each stared at the other for a moment before they took off running again. 

Glimmer's laughter echoed through the halls. "You can't run forever!" People all over the castle received a surprise as the queen teleported all over the place looking for Catra and Adora.  

The two rounded a corner, and Adora tripped and knocked over a maid carrying towels, who, purple and orange eyes narrowing, fell backwards and knocked a glass vase onto the floor. It shattered loudly, and the maid somehow yelped even louder. Catra watched as she put her hand back as if to use it to brace herself to get up, but cut it on a glass shard instead. She yelped again, retracting her hand as if she'd been burned. She quickly stood, wrapping her already-bloody hand in the loose edge of her other sleeve. Her orange blood slowly began to seep through the fabric, but the wound would likely be fine once it was cleaned up. 

"She-ra! I-I am so s-s-sorry! I didn't m-mean to b-b-be in your w-way!" she blubbered loudly, her unique eyes wide. Her straight lavender hair was now mussed, and Catra examined the way that it was buzz-cut on one side and chin-length on the other. Not exactly a typical Bright Moon maid's haircut. The girl's skin was a darker purple, with a gradient effect that faded into the same shade as her hair at her hands and feet, so it looked a bit like she was wearing gloves and tall socks. Her ears were pointed, and one had an ornate metal earring. Though she looked horrified at the mess she'd helped make- a sign that she was still fairly new- there was something cunning in her eyes.

Definitely not a typical maid. 

Adora jumped to her feet, face flushed with shame. "No, it's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going, and-" she cut off when she noticed the maid's hand. Her eyes widened with horror, and she swore. "Sh*t. You're hurt!" 

The maid took a step back, already shaking her head. "I-it's not th-that  bad." The orange blood soaking her sleeve, however, told a different story. 

Adora thrust her hand into the air and shouted, "FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!!!" 

Her eyes somehow grew even wider at the sight of She-Ra looming over her, and Catra heard a whimper slip through the maid's lips. 

She-Ra gently took her injured hand and, despite the small squeaks and sounds still escaping the stunned worker, healed the gash. The flow of orange blood stopped, the skin knitted together, and soon there was only a thin line to show where the cut had been. 

The maid stammered, but nothing intelligible came out. She cleared her throat, and managed to squeak her thanks. She hurriedly bent down to pick up the forgotten towels, gathering her load. Her gaze darted to behind them, and she just as quickly dropped into a bow as Glimmer put a hand on both Adora and Catra's shoulders. Both women shrieked and tried to pull away, but the queen held firm. 

Catra glanced back at the maid before Glimmer teleported them away, just long enough for her to glimpse a syringe tucked in among the blankets. 

Sorry it's been so long since I updated, guys. I lost motivation for a bit, but I think it's back now! We're finally getting close to the good stuff- which is Tess-speak for "heart-wrenching agony"- that is, if I do it right. *evil grin* 

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