Chapter One

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Catra crept through the halls of Bright Moon, ducking into the shadows whenever a guard passed by. She stayed at the sides of the halls, sticking to the less well-lit pathways. Her excitement grew as she got closer to her target, and just as she started to make a dash for it...

THUD! Frosta landed on her from above, pinning her to the ground. "You're out!"

Netossa laughed and high-fived the Ice Princess. "Nice one! No one's capturing our flag."  

Catra rolled her eyes. "Yeah, good job. I didn't hear you up there." 

Frosta beamed and climbed off of Catra. "Thanks!" 

Entrapta picked Catra up with her hair and set her back on her feet. "Don't feel bad. I was the first one out." 

Catra looked around. "So, who's still in? On both teams." 

Netossa walked over to some of her energy strings dangling on the wall and pulled one off. "Now that you're out, it's Spinny and Bow. On our side, the people still in are me, Frosta, and Adora." 

Catra laughed. "At least I outlasted Sparkles!" 

Glimmer stepped out of a hallway, having been walking back to her base. "That's not fair! Scorpia tripped me with her tail!" 

Entrapta crossed her legs and flipped upside down. "Hmm, that's out of character for her." 

"Are you sure you didn't trip on your own?" Catra said, smirking. 

Glimmer opened her mouth to retort, but an echoing "OH, COME ON!" resounded through the halls, and Bow's voice was heard saying, "YES! IT WORKED!" 

"Aaaaaand Adora's out," said Netossa, removing a string from her team's cluster. 

Frosta groaned. "Come on!" 

Glimmer laughed and rumpled the girl's hair. 

Entrapta waved a hair piece. "Your net-energy-flag is almost gone." 

Netossa jumped. "So it is." They'd used Netossa's nets for flags so that they'd have sense of time while playing. The game officially ended when either one of the energy net flags was captured, or when they both faded out. If they faded out, the team with the most players left would win. "Frosta, we're running out of time. Can I trust you to guard the flag while I try to snatch theirs?" 

Frosta saluted. "Ma'am yes ma'am!" She scaled a potted plant and jumped into the freakin' chandelier. 

Catra rubbed her eyes. "No wonder you were winning." 

Entrapta pulled herself into the vents so as to be able to watch, but not accidentally help her team cheat. Glimmer teleported to on top of the domed roof for the same reason to, but then immediately teleported back in when she remembered the storm. "Blah! Wet!" 

Catra cackled. "Who forgets there's a storm outside?" 

Glimmer grinned and tackle-hugged her. 

Catra shrieked and tried to wiggle free. "Get off! You're wet!" 

Glimmer laughed, and released her when Netossa reminded them that they had to hide. 

Catra scaled the same plant Frosta had, but remained perched hidden at the top. 

Glimmer joined Entrapta in the vent. Everyone else could hear her saying, "Ugh, how do you do this all the time? It's so small in here!" 

After making sure they were all hidden, Netossa ran off down the same hallway Catra had come from, blowing her hair out of her face. 

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