Why him?

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Izuku Midoriya

"Agh!" I flick twenty percent of my power at a tree, watching as my power completely destroys the tree and the tree's around it. I pant and hold my right wrist, slowly wiping the sweat off of my cheek.

All Might had been with me earlier, correcting my mistakes as I trained. But he had to leave because of hero work related call.

I looked up at the sky, dropping my hands to my sides. The clouds were pink, purple, and orange and the sky was no longer a clear blue. But instead, the color of the clouds.

I really need to start heading back soon. I've been training since school let out this afternoon and I'm starting to get tired. I looked down at my hand, tracing the blue lines around my wrist from my gloves.

I need to get stronger. I'm going to become a hero.

I sighed and closed my eyes, turning to start heading back to the dorms. On my walk through the forest that surrounded U.A., I could hear some kind of familiar grunts. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what the noise was.

"Come on!" I followed the noise and hid in some near by bushes, curious as to why Kacchan was screaming. Was he training too?

Kacchan had his hero suit on, just like I did, and was firing blast after blast at a metal target. The target looked as if it was supposed to represent a person. I flinched and watched as he fired another series of blasts at the target.

He missed every single time.

"You stupid nerd!" I flinched and ducked further into the bushes, thinking he had seen me. "You're not supposed to be better than me... I'm supposed to be the number one hero!" I watched as Kacchan stopped using his quirk and fell to his knees. He almost looked defeated, something I haven't seen in a very long time.

I took a step back, thinking that I should stop snooping around and just head back to the dorms. As I stepped back, I flinched when I heard a twig snap.


I scrambled on the ground, ducking and covering my head. Kacchan set off another fire of his blasts, but instead of at the target, it was at me.

"Come out, who ever the fuck you are!" He screamed as he continued his fire blasts at me.

"K-Kacchan! It's me!" I stood up, trying to avoid all of his blasts, and stuck my hands up in the air. Once he had heard my voice, he stopped his quirk and dropped his hands to his sides.

"Deku? What the fuck are you doing here, nerd?!" He stalked up to me, making me flinch with every step he took. His eyes were the same fiery red they have been for the past ten years.

Oh god, he really was going to kill me this time.

"I was training near by and heard you!" He got very close to my face, making me inch my face backwards. He stepped even closer, causing me to step back even farther.

"Oof-" I looked behind me and found a tree to my back.

"I know you, Deku." One of his hands with his big gauntlet was against the tree and above my head. He was looking down at me, venom in his voice and anger in his eyes. "I know you were there and probably saw more than you're going to tell me!" He raised his raspy voice a little, causing me to inch further into the tree. 

"W-well I-" I looked around and realized that if he was going to kill me, right now would probably be the perfect time. No one was around, no one would find me for at least a couple of days... Oh god, this can't be the end of my hero career.

But why? Why was I cowering away from him? I had one for all, I train every single chance I get, and I'm still afraid of him?


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