You're nothing.

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Izuku Midoriya 

I bit my lip as I stepped over Uraraka and Sero, trying my best not to wake anyone up. Tomorrow we would be heading back to U.A., meaning that our summer vacation was almost over.

We've all been training hard everyday and working to be the best heroes. Along with cleaning and cooking, I can say that I've actually learned something this summer. Even if my muscles were sore, I would still love to do this again sometime.

Right now, I'm attempting to sneak out of the beach house to see Kacchan. I can tell that over the week he hasn't been getting much sleep without me. So, he wanted to see me tonight before he went to bed to see if that would help any. I felt bad but at the same time, I've never been one to disobey my teachers.

I was running a bit later than I told him I would be out there because my group had a hard time getting to bed. Sero kept cracking jokes and Aoyoma insisted that he needed another hour to glance at himself in the mirror.

Some people were strange, but sometimes strange people were the best people.

I smiled as I quietly tip toed downstairs, careful not to make any creaking noises. Once I was on level flooring, I continued to walk through the kitchen, towards the center room, and out the front door. 

"Haha, I made it!" I whispered to myself as I slowly closed the front door. I did a little victory dance before I turned to look for Kacchan. I didn't see him anywhere so I took a few steps forward, looking from side to side.

I gasped as a big smile spread across my face, seeing Kacchan stand under a streetlight. I was really excited to get a moment alone with him. I know this week has been rough on both of us because of all the training, but I wanted to help in any way I could. I started jogging up to Kacchan, wanting him to kiss me as he hold me against him.

"Kacchan!" I whisper shouted towards him. He had his back towards me and his head hung low. He seemed to be staring at the bushes in front of him, as if something was in there. I wonder if something was wrong... Did someone say something to him? "Kacchan, are you alright?" My smile remained on my face but slowly started fading away.

"Oh, it's you." Kacchan turned towards me, wiping what looked like tears from his eyes. But he did nothing. He didn't hug me, he didn't come any closer, he just stood there.

"Kacchan, what's wrong?" I stepped closer only for him to step back.

"Come on, what happened? Did..." I furrowed my eyebrows together, trying to think of anything that I might have done to hurt him. "Did I do something?" I gulped the lump that was starting to form in my throat only for it to remain stuck in my throat.

"Uh, listen." He suddenly looked up at me, tears welling in his eyes. He quickly wiped them away and looked at me again. He looked so sad and angry, but only at himself. "I can't... We can't do this anymore." He paused and looked like he was going to step forward but instead took a step away from me once again. "It was all fun and games but..." He quickly swallowed and clenched his fists at his side. "I don't want you anymore."


"Kacchan... What-" I stepped forward and reached out towards him, only for him to smack my hand away. I gasped and took a few steps backwards, holding my hand against my chest.

Kacchan smiled then started laughing like something was actually funny. He laughed so hard, he placed his hands on his knees to keep his balance. This had to be some kind of sick joke, right?

"You really thought I cared about you, huh? Oh lord, what a fucking joke." Kacchan walked up to me nonchalantly, placing his hand on my shoulder. "You're so fucking pathetic." He stood next me, his hand still on my shoulder as he spoke. There was a long, painful, silence under that streetlamp.

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