No holding back.

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Izuku Midoriya

"Alright, everyone turn to page fifty seven and complete the work. It's due tomorrow." Mr. Aizawa said before zipping up his yellow sleeping bag and laying on the floor. He's really weird sometimes but he's a good person. 

I especially like to see him as Eraserhead. That's when he was really cool. Some people with attitudes where they acted like they didn't care just made them look rude. But Mr. Aizawa is different. He's risked his lives to save us. Even if he is a hero, it still means a lot to me.

That's why I looked up to All Might. He was an amazing hero. He saved everyone and did it with a smile. I can't wait until I can become a hero just like him. All Might was not only an awesome hero, he almost like a father figure to me.

I opened my book to the correct page, mumbling to myself about everything I was reading. After reviewing the text and answering the questions, I completed my work. I shut my text book and looked around, noticing that I was one of the first ones that had finished.

This was my last class of the day, which I was grateful for. After today, we had the weekend to ourselves. I looked down at my scarred hand, clenching it tightly. 

I need to get stronger. I'm going to become a pro hero.

With the time remaining in class, I decided to catch up with some other hero homework. After a while, Mr. Aizawa released us for the weekend. He told us to study for the test that's coming up on Monday and let us leave.

"Hey, nerd." Just as I was about the exit the classroom, I heard Kacchan call out to me. I turned and looked at him, curious as to what he might want.

"Yes Kacchan?" I looked up at Kacchan, watching as he scratched the back of his neck. 

"Um... Well..." I watched as his cheeks turned a light pink color when he looked away. "You were training in the forest yesterday." He looked at me as he shoved his hands into his front pockets. I slowly nodded, curious as to why he brought this up.

Was he still mad about it?

"Yeah? Is there something wrong with that?" I crossed my arms and looked at him, ready to fire back an insult with whatever he said. Just because I like Kacchan doesn't mean I liked being bullied.

"And I was training in the forest too... So, I don't know..." He looked around before leaning closer to me. He was definitely taller than me and when he leaned closer, that did not help my situation at all. I felt my heart beat pick up slightly and my cheeks heat up.

What was he thinking?

"Damn nerd!" He clenched his fists and raised his voice, squeezing his eyes closed. I flinched back and watched as he opened his eyes to look at me again. He seemed worried, almost regretful, that he had yelled. 

What's going with him?

"Sorry... I just..." He shoved his hands into his front pockets once again, trying to act cool about the whole thing. "Do you want to train with me or not?" I was confused at first but then realized what he had said. I felt my face light up at his words.

Kacchan actually wants to train with me!

"Really?" I smiled up at him, hoping he wouldn't tell me it's a joke.

"Tsk, shut up nerd." He brushed past me to walk out of the classroom and into the hallway. He had his hero suit case in his hand, lifting it up into the air. "Get your stuff, let's go!"

*One Hour Later*

"Alright, Deku! No holding back." Kacchan and I were in the middle of the forest, far enough away from U.A. to be a little reckless. We both had our hero suits on and were both in a fighting stance.

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