Deku... Please.

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Izuku Midoriya

It's been about a week since Kacchan and I kissed for the first time. I was really surprised at first but I was slowly getting used to it. It's strange because, we're not really dating. But at the same time, we do everything that a couple does.

Even though Kacchan has bullied me for quite a long time, I can tell that he's changed some how. When we're together, he's still really clingy and adorable. Of course, I was the only person that was able to see that side of him.

"Come back, Deku!" I smiled as I grabbed my school clothes to put on. Kacchan had slept in my room last night because, and I quote, 'he needs cuddles.'

"We have to go to school, dork." I slipped my pants on, taking off my pajama shirt. After I had gotten my clothes on, I realized that Kacchan was too quiet. When I turned around, Kacchan was standing in front of me. He was a good head taller than me but some how wasn't that intimidating. Not with how I've seen him lately.

"I said no." He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck. 

"Kacchan, come on." I smiled as I hugged him back, playing with the back of his hair. He shook his head before he slowly started kissing the side of my neck. Oh god, my weakness. "Kacchan!" I yelped and tried to push him away, but he just grabbed my butt and didn't budge.

"Fine, fine." He slapped my butt lightly, gave me a short kiss on the lips, and went to get dressed.

I smiled as I thought about Kacchan. He will never admit it to anyone, but he was actually a big softie. He liked cuddles and kisses and wants me to pet his hair just as much as the next person.

"Agh!" I flicked five percent of my power at a tree, watching it be destroyed. I was in the forest training, flicking away at the tree's. Kacchan and I were going to train together but he had to stay behind for some extra tutoring. But we both know that when we get back to the dorms, Kacchan was going to smother me in affection.

I trained and trained until the sun was starting to set so I decided to head home. On my way home, I began to think of what Kacchan was doing. Was he waiting for me?

I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought about Kacchan.

Kacchan and I weren't dating officially but that's what kind of bothers me. Why hasn't he asked me out? Was he waiting for me to ask him? Was I just a game to him?

I sighed and tried to think positive about this.

I have a good feeling that Kacchan and I were going to be okay. Even if I was just a teenager and I had a lot of my life ahead of me, Kacchan was special to me. No one could just easily replace him. Am I easily replaceable to him?

I opened the doors to the dorms and headed inside. 

"So then he said, 'I can't believe you're that stupid.'" I heard Momo say from the living room. I heard a few laughs as I walked past them.

Momo, Asui, Uraraka, and Jiro were all sitting on the couches, talking about who knows what. They all seemed to be having a good time so I decided not to bother them. I walked over to the shower rooms and up to a shower stall. 

I took off my hero suit and turned the water on to slightly hotter than warm. I sighed once I stepped into the shower, feeling my muscles relax from all of my training. I washed myself with some kind of soap, smelling the familiar scent of vanilla.

"Deku?!" I paused when I heard someone call my name. "Is that you in here?" Kacchan called out to me as I heard the door to the bathroom's shut.

"Uh, yeah? I just got done training, so I decided to shower." I brushed my hair out of my eyes and peeked behind the shower curtain. I looked at Kacchan and smiled as he looked around the bathroom for me. "I'll be out in a bit. You can wait for me in your room if you want." I watched as he snapped his head over to me which made me retreat into the shower. It's not that I'm self conscious, I just don't want him to see me naked.

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