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008. everybody is a cat person

CHERRY ADAMS was pretty sure she might combust. she never meant to fall asleep in such a compromising positon. it just happened sometimes- and quite honestly she didn't know whose face was redder. her's... or leo's. it wasn't anything bad- but after the percy and barbie sewing room incident, the whole two people alone in a room thing had rules against it. doors had to be open if it was only two- or a chaperone (see as somebody else) had to be in the room too. and they definitely weren't allowed to sleep in the same room together.

she was glad kenji was the one to find them. he wouldn't squawk like val would (who'd yell and lecture them before squealing over how precious it was a moment later) or tease her like anybody else on the ship would. or comment about how horrifying it was like nico would (though she could tell he was joking). but still, it's a bit mortifying to know she fell asleep on the floor- and was found with leo's hands around her waist and her face pressed against leo's chest ( very comfortable. mind you).

it all started when leo and her had been arguing the night before. not actual arguing. more friendly teasing (witch what cherry swore might've been flirting. she wasn't sure) than anything. she'd been scolding him about watering the plants in his room, claiming that he shouldn't have plants in his room if he wasn't going to water them.

"i'll take them away," she threatened, hands on hips as she dusted dirt off her grass stained jeans.

"my children! how dare you!" mocked leo, "i thought the parenting thing was working out? what happened, babe?"

babe. maybe leo didn't mean to, but it made cherry blush as red as a tomato. she really liked leo- she did. if anything, she had a crush on leo. but it was terribly hard to keep that a secret when he was going around calling her babe.

"i'm signing the divorce papers," she joked, "i'm taking our kids with me. you don't deserve them!"

"see you in court then," huffed leo, "if that's how we're playing."

"oh it is."

"well then try this on!" leo yelled suddenly, scrambling to cherry and tackling her, tickling her sides. she let out a squeal of surprise as he continued- laughing and yelling for him to stop. "never!" he yelled, cackling like a gremlin before she pinched his side playfully- causing him to yelp and topple off the bed. there was a loud thump and the door shut as leo's hand whacked it.


"leo?" she said after a few moments, "you okay?"


"oh no," she fretted, peaking over the side of the bed, seeing leo's eyes closed, "are you hurt? oh i knew i shouldn't have-"

suddenly, leo's eyes opened and he grinned, grabbing her legs and causing her to topple to the ground beside him- letting out a squeal as she did so.

"you play dirty," she huffed, laying on the floor beside him, turning so she was staring at his face, "seriously- that was mean."

"however can i get you to forgive me?" leo joked.

"try watering your plants."

"i see. so i'm never gonna be forgiven. ouch, cherry baby- really hurts my feelings," he mocked, turning to face her too. the two smiled at each other in silence for a few moments before leo pocked her nose, whispering, "boop."

[3] 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 ― p.jackson, l.valdezWhere stories live. Discover now