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023. as the world caves in

VALENTINO GARCIA never thought he'd see the day where he thought a couple was gross. personally, he was the corniest and cheesiest boyfriend ever, and he didn't even care that people knew that. if it meant seeing a smile on his girlfriend's face every time he went round and collected wildflowers (with the permission of the nymphs, of course), making them into a bouquet, then it was worth being called that. he'd found himself thinking anything was worth that. and just knowing he was getting close to annabeth... it made him excited above all else. he had hope, and a fuck-load of cheesy lovey-dovery thoughts running through his mind, he would make do.

but cherry and leo?

their relationship was teeth-achingly sweet and absolutely disgusting. the two were always touching since they'd gotten together (frank had run into the halls yelling they're together! and it didn't take a genius to put two and two together). whether it be holding hands, an arm wrapped around the others wasit, a hug, pushing and shoving each other lightly. it was far too adorable.

he saw leo dissolve into a puddle basically when cherry had made him a flower crown out of the plants around the ship. he saw cherry become unresponsive for maybe two minutes when leo gifted her a necklace that had a little cherry tree on it.

they were so cute it was annoying.

"congrats, you two." nico had said, basically materialising next to them. it surprisingly made neither of them jump. val suspected they were probably too caught up in each other to really notice anything else.

"yeah. it took you long enough," he'd said to them as they walked onto the top of the deck.

"i saw this coming from a mile away," announced piper smugly, "i called it the minute you went on a quest with us back in december."

"you did not call it," jason chuckled, "you were too confused to call anything. if anything i called it after we escaped the psycho dionysus followers-"

"no i called it when they-"

"you did not call it! remember back when-"

"no i-"

soon, the group of them sprintied into an argument on who had seen cherry and leo liking each other coming. there were some strong arguments, and a lot of disagreeing. when there teasing fight turned into frank nervously turning into a labrador, leo took over to cut in between them.

"ok! cool! we were blindingly oblivious!" called leo, "can you guys stop arguing about who called us liking each other."

"i think it's endearing," cherry shrugged, smiling, "it's like you're invested in a tv show."

"how is that endearing?!"

cherry shrugged, pressing a swift kiss to leo's cheek, "dunno."

"i- uh- well-"

val snorted, "leo you are a mess."

"like your not!"

kenji walked back, hands in his pockets as he shoved val off his seat and sat where he had previously been sitting. "trust me, val is way more of a mess than you. did you see the guy when he finally worked up the nerve to ask his girlfriend on a date?"

"we'd only been together for two months!"

"without a date?" mocked kenji, "you were a hopeless son of a bitch, admit it."

[3] 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 ― p.jackson, l.valdezWhere stories live. Discover now