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014. buzzfeed unsolved's very own demigods

VALENTINO GARCIA'S day started with jason almost falling to his death. not... a good way to start the day- if he's gonna be totally honest. he'd only just woke up- for goodness sake! barely blinking, hair a little messy, baggy shirt and loose shorts with fluffy bunny slippers- running out as he heard piper yell obscene amounts of curses. a bit grumpy, and a bit tired- they'd managed to save jason. not because of anything much. they didn't exactly have time at the moment to let frank transform into an eagle and catch him, and kenji couldn't do anything when he was still asleep (he was either asleep like a rock or would get awoken by the slightest movements. no in between). it was only with piper's loud and forceful charmspeak did jason manage wake up.

val, being a bit grumpy in the morning from the yelling, winced and grumbled, "i'm taking a fucking shower. i want pancakes."

"don't you just adore val when he's just woken up?" piped leo in a sarcastic manner.

"dude i was on night watch last night. shut up- yeah?"

"it's devine." added leo.

"shush, leo- i have way too much blackmail on you, man. you should never confide to me in spanish, dude. i have dirt on you." he grumbled back.

"dirt you'd share with your lovely half-sister?" piper grinned hopefully.

"now that's just plain unhygienic, piper." he yawned, "why'd you want to play with dirt?"

"... go take your dumb shower- garcia," pouted piper. val shrugged, his brain was running a bit slow. he'd get out of it soon, hopefully. but for now- he really did mean it when he said he needed a shower.

by the time he was out, which genuinely wasn't long, his hair was fluffed slightly from him quickly rubbing a towel over the top of his head. dressed in a comfortable lilac shirt (which barbie had made for his birthday. say lilac and beige were apparently his colours) along with light brown baggy trousers, he stepped into the mess hall feeling better than he had when he woke up.

everyone was dressed in some sort of similar fashion to him. which was to say, the tradition of wearing at least one article of clothing barbie had made for them was still going. for jason, it was his frayed jeans, for piper it was plaid set of light pink trousers cuffed at the end- paired with a white shirt, for hazel: a jumper, for frank it was a hoodie. the list went on, and val found himself feeling a little more at home as he snatched a cup of coffee and rubbed his eyes.

"afternoon, val!" smiled cherry, passing him a plate of pancakes, decked with maple syrup and other things he adored. he mumbled an unintelligible response as she giggled at him, "don't eat too fast. remember last time?"

"don't remind me," he groaned, shovelling the first bite in his mouth.

it was strange, sort of. the only person eating breakfast food at lunch. though it hardly mattered.

whilst they ate, jason reported to him on some sort of vision he'd had midair. they were quite as he spoke, long enough for coach hedge to eat just about everything within near vicinity (including a ceramic plate. which must not have been good for his teeth. val guessed coach's dentist might night be happy with him after they came back).

the ship creaked as it sailed through the adriatic, its remaining oars still out of alignment from the giant turtle attack. every once in a while festus the figurehead creaked and squeaked through the speakers, reporting the autopilot status in that weird machine language that only leo could understand.

[3] 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 ― p.jackson, l.valdezWhere stories live. Discover now