Can't Understand

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She didn't know how it happened.
She couldn't understand.
She drank that potion that is supposed to not let her have children ever again.
So why the hell was she pregnant?!

Nobody could find out. Nobody. And especially not her...mother...No, Regina wouldn't let anything and anyone harm her baby.



~☆Two days ago☆~

"Check again! It can't be true! It can't be!" The queen ordered to her nurse.

"But, you're majesty, I already checked twi-" the woman tried to protest, but was cut off by the queen.

" I DON'T CARE HOW MANY TIMES YOU CHECKED!!! CHECK AGAIN!!!!" Regina roared while the nurse tried her best not to cover her ears.

After a few minutes of deadly silence the nurse looked at the queen, who was taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself down. The elderly woman choked and Regina looked at her while raising a perfect eyebrow.

"Y-you're m-majesty, the result is...t-the're preg-" the queen raised her hand, nodded her head and waved the nurse out of the chamber.

When she was left alone, she didn't know if she should smile and laugh or scream and cry.

Of course she was happy that she had the chance at motherhood and that she was caring a little wonder, but could she really have this? Could she really be happy and have a family? How could she be sure that nothing and noone would try to destroy it?

She tried to answer all these questions, but failed.

So she sat there, alone, with the hand on her stomach and looking at the wall.


~☆Present day☆~

There was one big problem troubling Regina at the moment.

Even if the kingdom, her mother and Snow White and her uncharming prince won't find out, she had to tell her father and, obviously, the baby's father...and the ideea scared her to death.

Also, looks like the Gods aren't on her side today, because right in that moment, her father entered the room.

"Hey, my princess! Is there a problem? You haven't come to breakfast. I was worried." her father admitted

If there was a person in this whole damm world who really cared for her, that was her father. Just he would be able to notice every second she would be missing and actually come to check on her.

" Hey, daddy! No, everything's fine. Just not hungry." She tried to lie to him, but just as always, the Gods weren't on her side. Her stomach growled and showed Henry, her father, that that wasn't the real reason.

He eyed his daughter and just left to bring her some food.

Regina sighted and waited.

When Henry came back, he placed a plate in front of Regina, on her desk. She grabbed his arm and looked in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I tried to lie to you, daddy. I just...don't know what to do." Her father pulled her in his arms to give her a comforting hug. After 2 minutes she continued "The real reason why I didn't come was...was...I was thinking what I should do, because...I...I'm..." she took a deep breath and said it "I'm pregnant."

He looked at he's daughter with shock and confusion, which after a few seconds turned into a combination between happiness and anger. Or was it saddeness? He was going to be a grandfather! His daughter was going to have a baby! But someone played with his little princess, leted her pregnant. Who was this guy? Who could be the father?

Henry leted it pass for the moment and hugged his dauther tight.

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